Friday, February 17, 2006


Well, another week and just a few before Spring Break. This week was long and difficult. I haven't mastered the word "no". I am now taking on Drama Club. Our first play is May 16th. Our original leader is leaving us and they need help. I guess I am just the sucker at school, because they asked me. I now have drama every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:45. Starting the end of March I will also have cheer practice on Mondays and Thursdays. My husband sure is gonna miss me. Just when you feel burned out and fed up, you have a wonderful child who comes to you and makes it all worth while. I had students who yelled, screamed, and acted a fool in my class all week, stop and hug me this afternoon. It's amazing how that little gesture makes my long days, and sleepless nights all worth it. Sitting at dinner tonight a little boy kept making faces at my husband. It was so cute. I joined in. His parents then see him and begin to apologize. No need. He has totally restored my faith in children. He was so cute. Let your children flirt. Dad told him to wink at him. Made my day. Love you all!!

1 comment:

Silly Hily said...

Awe! Anytime Mia get's goofy enough to mess with strangers I always tell her to stop b/c I'm terrified they are anti-baby people and will try to zap her with their red eyes. Or something like that.