Tuesday, February 21, 2006


What I Am Thankful For Today: That I was not supervising the student who walked into a pole and went to the emergency room in an ambulance.

So I am thinking that I will come up with something everyday that I am thankful for. Somedays serious, somedays stupid, you know, just so I have something.

My Angel of the Day: Ms. Flowers Why: She wanted to be at drama about as much as I did, but we made it through it together. Ms. Vickery is climbing up close, since she invited me out for drinks.

I am also going to have an angel for the day. It may be something nice someone did, could be someone really stupid who makes me feel better, you know, we have all types of angels.

Let me know if the ideas sink or swim. I think I have writers block. I wish every weekend was a three day weekend.


Lucky Gem said...

I am thankful for Travelocity.com. Look out New York City, here we come!!!!!!!!!

Silly Hily said...

Yeah, what Liz said.
See my comment on Lucky Gem's blog.

That poor kid!