Thursday, February 02, 2006


I went to my grandmother's for dinner Wednesday night. We go there EVERY Wednesday night. Granny still lives in Frayser, but we still go. I wish she would move. It is not the safest place for her. Last night a big group came. The usual (Uncle Jack and his crew, Mom, David, Me & Jason) were there. My uncle David, cousin Kenneth, cousin Justin & his fiance (damn, I forgot her name again.), Aunt Linda and her husband Steve(must clarify that that man is NOT my uncle), cousin Adre & her daughter Chelsea, and my cousin Jenifer & her baby Brian. I don't know if you have all that straight or not. I know that there are so many grammatical errors in the last few clauses. I just don't care. Moving family is pretty red. Rednecks they are. My uncle David does the pull my finger, wears overalls, and takes food off your plate. (he's not a blood uncle) Anyway, I love them. I have to and they are good people. My cousin's baby Brian is always getting attention. He is the only baby in the family right now. He is 8 mos. old. I am becoming very concerned about him. For some reason no one in my family seems to remember that he is 8 mos old. Everytime someone walks past him, they feed him. He's not a dog, but a baby. If he doesn't accept it the first time, they try again. He is not fat yet. The first few months of his life he had really bad reflux and spit up everything. Now he can eat and does. At Thanksgiving, the baby ate (was fed) an entire piece of pumpkin pie. He was about 5-1/2 mos. old. Maybe I am overreacting, but pumpkin pie is a bit rich and has mucho sugars in it. I overheard them saying that at the Mexican restaraunt he ate a plate of refried beans. YUCK! Imagine that diaper. My point is that I think his parents are trying to make him older than he is. I know you young mothers will correct me if I am wrong. I do not have children yet so I probably should keep my mouth shut. I am just worried he will be completely overweight. They started feeding him cereal at about 5 days. He just couldn't keep anything down until now. Even the toys that they give him are older. My 2nd point is that I am scared my family will be the same way when I start to have kids. My husband actually voiced that to me. I know we can tell people what we want, but will they really respect our wishes? I would hate to never be able to leave my child with family for fear that they would feed him something I don't. I guess I will cross that bridge when I get there. OH, and my cousin's fiance's name is Tracey. I finally remembered.


It's Kimpossible! said...

I hear ya, sister. My fear is with my in-laws, cause I already know I won't be able to leave any child of mine with anyone in my family except my mom. My in-laws are more likely to scare a kid out of doing ANYTHING, very overprotective. I guess we will just have to be extra vigilant and do raise them how we want no matter what anyone says...

Silly Hily said...

You will learn to "pick and choose your battles." There will always be something that someone tries to do that you don't agree with and you just have to hope that they respect you enough as the parent to listen to you instead of brushing you off and doing it anyway.
Would I feed a 5 1/2 month old an entire piece of pie? As that child's parent? No! However, it obviously didn't "harm" him sooooo....his parents probably don't think anything of it.

Silly Hily said...
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