Thursday, February 23, 2006


I am thankful that I get an extra planning period on Thursdays. I actually accomplished a few things today. I put together TCAP review for 3 subjects next week to help out my team. This is extremely amazing. I am usually unprepared. It felt so good to be able to provide things for them. Go me! I deserve a sticker.

Angel of the Day: Ms. Moss Why? She noticed that one of my student's binders was falling apart and brought him a new one. It's the little things.

Ten Things About Me:
1. I have a name picked out for my first son.
2. I'm not trying to have babies, yet.
3. I have actually started keeping a written journal.
4. I act like I am in high school when I am around Lucky Gem.
5. I did my first load of laundry in about 3 months last night.
6. My husband has been doing the laundry.
7. I am getting better about being on time.
8. My poor cat has ear mites.
9. I have to hold her down and put medicine on her.
10. I pray at least once a day.

Thanks to Silly Hilly for the idea. I decided to do 10 a day for a few days instead of all 100 at once. You're a much better blogger than me.


Dee said...

I had a name picked for my first son too. I was going to have boys. Yep. I have two girls. Fate if often fickle. I did a good job with them though, I think.

I pray daily too. *s*

Lucky Gem said...

We have our first son's name picked too. Hey, and it's fun to "pretend" we are teenagers again.

Silly Hily said...

I'm just a better b.s.-er and rambler than you are. That's all. :-)