Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sad Times

It is already beginning....our crew is being split apart. It is starting with our school officer. He is being transferred to another school. This makes me very sad. He is a great guy. Extremely tall, built, kind, and follows the rules. I don't know what is going on, but I do know that he is a gentleman and I hate to see him go. One evening after a basketball game I was waiting for my cheerleaders to find their rides and had to sit outside another school for 35 minutes with 2 girls. Officer is the only one from my school that stayed with me. No other teachers or administrators. He even went to his truck and brought me his jacket since I didn't have one. He stayed the entire time and even spoke to the parents when I was too ticked off to do so. He volunteers his time to help with our boys basketball team. It's sad to think that so many of these people that I see on a daily basis will be gone and we may keep in touch at first, but as time goes by things will change.
I'm working on my thankful for posting for Thanksgiving. Stay Tuned....

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