Thursday, March 02, 2006

My mind is racing

I feel like my brain should be on a nascar track going around in circles at top speed. I am starting to feel stressed. We are leaving for NY in a week. I have no time to get things done. Pack, clean, grades for the end of the 9 weeks, projects to grade, host Family Science Night, parent/teacher conferences, 2 Drama practices, laundry, shop. How much cash should I take? What clothes, jackets, shoes, etc? Which bags will be the easiest to handle since hubby won't be there to carry them? **Lucky, ALL my bags have wheels if you need to borrow one. We have a set Mom gave us.** Moving on.

I am thankful that my husband sold his truck today. It was a bit sad to see it go, but it was nice to see the check! His red truck is gone. We can now pull all the way up into our driveway instead of blocking part of the sidewalk.

My Angel of the Day: Woody Why? She is just so much fun. Today is her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIRL!!! She went to dinner with her husband and daughter tonight. While at dinner, she called me just tell me that she loved me.(as a friend, we don't admit to those actions) Isn't that sweet? On Valentine's Day, Josie, Woody's daughter, called to tell me Happy Valentine's Day. She just turned three. That phone call made my whole day. No offense to my hubby, but there is something about a sweet little voice like hers that just melts me.

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