Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ovaries, Testes, and Sperm

I am so proud of myself. Please excuse me while I take a moment to brag. We are having that wonderful week in Science class where we teach children about their bodies and what not to do with their bodies aka Family Life in 6th grade and Sex Respect in 7th/8th. Luckily, I teach 6th grade so my job is more about the endocrine system and hereditary traits. Blah, blah...Anyway, Monday I began this week's unit. I was so nervous I thought I was going to be uncomfortable all day. I actually had to stand in front of 25 kids, 4 times that day and say OVARIES and TESTES. It really wasn't all that hard. I gave them the whole "I know how mature you are. Here is your time to show me"....blah, blah, speech. I think it may have worked. I also think they had no idea what I was talking about. We played a Jeopardy game with the all of the glands and they couldn't even pronounce ovary or testes. Amazing! Today, I had to say something about how a child receives 1/2 of its chromosomes from its father's sperm and the other 1/2 from its mother's ovum. They had no idea what an ovum was, but problem. First the giggles began and the whispering. We made it through one class. Then my second and third. I felt very confident by the time my last class came to me. I was running straight through my lesson and for some reason sperm was not a word that would come out of my mouth. (notice that I did say word, make sure you are reading carefully..dirty minds) Anyway, I said "spell"and "spear" before I started laughing hysterically. That was it. The class lost it. I was laughing, red in the face, and chanting sperm. You could you just imagine ME doing this. Whew!

Tomorrow we are watching a video in class. The girls and boys will be separated. Thank goodness! This may make an interesting story later. The girls watch a video that discusses starting their periods. The boys watch a video about their bodies and wet dreams. I know I am not using proper terminology, but this is my blog, not school. I guess I'll have to wait and see how it goes.


It's Kimpossible! said...

Oh My God. Too funny. How in the world did you manage to do this with a straight face? I remember those classes, though I think we were in 5th grade.

Lucky Gem said...

Ask the kids if they know what 'masticating' is. I be you'll get some giggles.

mastication= act of chewing, as in food, gum, etc.

Lucky Gem said...

Oh, you should have asked to borrow my A&P book. There is PLENTY of info in there for your sex talk.

Silly Hily said...

I don't remember those classes. Can I come sit in? That would be hilarious.

What The Hell Is This? said...

You did better than I would have.. hehehehe...