Saturday, August 19, 2006


So, I'm teaching one Math class starting Monday. : ) I'm excited, but really feel like I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I've never taught math. I haven't even watched anyone teach math in a very long time. We are a bit crowded at school and we've gained a new teacher. She's taking Social Studies from me. Thanks goodness! I will be teaching 2 science classes and 1 math everyday. I guess I'll be completing my math homework on Sunday. Ha! Not too much new here. Just busy teaching, planning, cleaning, & living. I have some great names in my classes this year. I would love to share with you all, but for fear that someone would see I'll have to wait.

This morning I was still in bed when Jason got up to go to football practice. (he had to be there at 9) The dog gets really excited and jumps all over the bed when Jason comes in to kiss me good-bye. He usually flops on me or licks me. I don't know what he did this morning, but my dog jumped on my neck and my chest. I have 4 claw marks that start half way up my neck and go down to my boob! It hurt. I guess I need to clip his nails. The worst part is that when my husband came back home and saw them he laughed and said "good luck explaining that at work." I've been informed that they look like "sex" marks. Turtleneck in August?

1 comment:

What The Hell Is This? said...

I would lurve to teach math.. i am a geek like that though.. just say they are hickies.. or fuck marks.. or whatever... your married..that kinda stuff is ok now...