Okay! A few pics for you. the first is of my girls (cheer) completing community service. I think they wore more paint than the walls. The other two are of my tree that was worn out. It decided to rest on my chimney during the storms a few weeks ago. My backyard looks awful, but no damage to the house. : ) We've go to remove the stump and plant a new tree. We just haven't decided on what type of tree to plant.
SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!! I have 2 weeks left. That is 11 school days as of right now. I can't wait. I need the break for my mental health. I am going crazy. The kids are wild...remember I have middle school students! We don't have books and are just coming up with things for them to do. I have a whole project about a mission to the moon for next week. I just can't figure out what to do about the last week of school. This week we researched Science careers. And those of you that are envious of my Summer break....(wait a sec, I have to jump on my soapbox) WE WORK THOSE HOURS DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most people who put in these kind of hours get paid a whole lot more. We get 8 weeks for break. I will be out of town for 3 weeks of my break. I am taking a class at UT Martin for Science. I am going to Cheer camp with my girls. AND last and definately the best, I am going to Destin in July. Jana and Dave are going with us. How cool is that? It will be a little weird, since we're not used to having anyone with us. But I am so excited. I am just tire of packing. I am packing up my class room. We have to do this every year since SPED summer school is at my school. It really sucks. Imagine moving something like your office every 10 months. All the files, pictures, posters, and supplies go with you. WHERE!! Last year, in my den. I am hoping I can butter up my f-i-l this year and use the warehouse. Well, enough rambling. Have a fabulous weekend. I am throwing an engagement party for a friend so I will be busy. OH! And I almost forgot - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! to all the mom's and soon to be's. : )
Yea, it'll be a little weird being in Destin with y'all too! Can't wait. Get this, Dave has to re-bid for his vacations again because he got a new Sr. Manager. Good news, he is #3 on seniority with this group. OH, and they have summer school for special ed?
That tree thing would have scared the poop out of me. lol
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