I just want to throw in the towel on a couple of weddings. Guess who is planning a bachelor party? Yes, that is correct a bachelor party. You know with boobs, beer, and gambling. My husband is the best man, but has passed his duties on to me. I don't really mind helping with the planning, but it is really strange to call random men and discuss a bachelor party in Vegas. I guess that is why my hubby doesn't want to do it. He hates talking to people he doesn't know. My dress has changed for this wedding. Here's the new one. It's still pretty, but not as elegant as the first. Another girl had already chosen the first dress and the bride forgot. The new one is cheaper anyway. I am in the mood to skip the wedding all together, but I can't do that. I really wish I had an excuse.
Update on Bubba's wedding:
The bride has stopped talking to my family. She hasn't been to my grandmother's in about a month. (We go to Granny's for dinner EVERY Wednesday.) She is upset b/c my mother asked her to work out the details with my brother. WTF! It's not like Mom said you need to do it his way, she simply advised her to talk/communicate with my brother. Is that so wrong? No, b/c a marriage is not going to last unless you communicate with your spouse. I hate that things have changed so much. I loved her before all of this happened. It makes me wonder.. was that the real S or was she just waiting to get what she wanted. She had been talking about marriage since they got together. She moved in with him after dating only a month, maybe two. I really think it was just one month. I supported them. They were happy. She was sweet, nice, and easy to get along with. Oh, I don't know what to do. I'm just laying low for now.
Maybe I should go on strike. I could save a lot of money. I have 3 weddings coming up. Sept, Nov, and Dec. UGH!!! So far, the Sept wedding is going to cost a fortune.
$330 x 2 for plane tickets; $200 for my dress; $89 + tax x 2 for the hotel room; $150 for tux; Jason's time off work; any extra expenses while in Detroit; $45 each way for taxi from airport to hotel; hotel sex with hubby: priceless. Why, oh, why did I agree to this? I was flattered. I had my ego stroked when I was asked to be in the wedding. It's amazing how when someone compliments you and asks you to do something, you are more likely to do it. I should try it on my hubby.....I can see it now....
Baby, your arms are huge, can you lift this heavy trash and take it outside?
Baby, you are so hot, I want you to take off all your clothes and put them in the washing machine. Don't forget the detergent!
Okay, I'm back in reality. I'll quit bitching and go for now.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Stolen ideas
I stole this b/c I liked it. (kinda like my 1st place ribbon at field day. I stole b/c I was the hottest teacher,so I thought I should get 1st place. Ha!)
I am – a teacher.
I want – the best for my students and a baby for me. (not working on the baby yet)
I wish - my mom realized how important she is to me.
I miss – when I didn't have responsibilities.
I fear - death, failing, and bugs.
I hear – me typing on the keyboard.
I wonder - if others wonder about me, like I wonder about them.
I regret – very few things.
I am not – mean.
I dance – when I drink.(once on a pole after a few drinks ha.ha!)
I sing – in the car.
I cry – easily.
I am not always – happy.
I make with my hands – dinner.
I write – conduct slips.
I confuse – myself.
I need – to be more organized.
I should – try harder.
I start – many projects.
I finish – very few unless I get my hubby involved.
I am – a teacher.
I want – the best for my students and a baby for me. (not working on the baby yet)
I wish - my mom realized how important she is to me.
I miss – when I didn't have responsibilities.
I fear - death, failing, and bugs.
I hear – me typing on the keyboard.
I wonder - if others wonder about me, like I wonder about them.
I regret – very few things.
I am not – mean.
I dance – when I drink.(once on a pole after a few drinks ha.ha!)
I sing – in the car.
I cry – easily.
I am not always – happy.
I make with my hands – dinner.
I write – conduct slips.
I confuse – myself.
I need – to be more organized.
I should – try harder.
I start – many projects.
I finish – very few unless I get my hubby involved.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Details, Details
I was so proud of myself last night. I went to Target and bought presents for a baby shower that I am attending on Saturday. Those of you who don't know me, this is a BIG deal. I usually run out the night before or the day of and try to buy at the last minute. I knew the Mom-to-be was going to find out the sex of the baby on Monday and so I looked her up on babies-r-us and for some reason it wouldn't pull up. So, my bright self decided to look her up on Target...just in case. To my wonderful research I see her name and her husband's Darren. Woohoo! I don't have to drive very far and NO one has bought anything. It says that she is having a little boy. I am so excited that I have figured all this out without even having to bother the expecting Mother. Maybe I should be a Privite I. I assume she must have registered after she found out the sex and is extremely excited about her shower at the Raquet Club on Saturday. How good am I? Fabulous, not only do I have an entire registry to choose from, I am not waiting until the last minute. Go me, Go Mrs. G. You see, the mom-to-be is living in England. Her husband is from England and she moved there about a year or so before they got married. I am friends with her mother and met mom-to-be at Bunco one night. We hit it off and next thing I know, I am at a bachelorette party and a wedding. We email back and forth a bit. Tonight at Huey's I ran into the mom-to-be and her sister. (i was so craving a cheeseburger after chasing kids at field day. lucky will tell you how bad i looked) I am completely embarassed b/c I look like hell. So, I say hi, congrats, I hear its a boy. Oh, how? Well, I saw your registry at Target.......hmm, I didn't register at Target. oh, I guess I need to look at that again.
---Came home and checked it out. The due date is June 22 and the name is spelled differently. HOW F'n BAD is that!!!!!! I actually printed the registry, made the cashier go back and put the items I bought on the registry, and it was the wrong F-n registry. Now, some poor expecting mother thinks someone bought her booties, mittens, a hot duck, and bath toys. I feel horrible!!!!! I hope my friend likes what the other mother registered for, b/c I'm too tired to think about it all. Lesson Learned: Pay attention to details. I am a teacher. I should know this. : (
---Came home and checked it out. The due date is June 22 and the name is spelled differently. HOW F'n BAD is that!!!!!! I actually printed the registry, made the cashier go back and put the items I bought on the registry, and it was the wrong F-n registry. Now, some poor expecting mother thinks someone bought her booties, mittens, a hot duck, and bath toys. I feel horrible!!!!! I hope my friend likes what the other mother registered for, b/c I'm too tired to think about it all. Lesson Learned: Pay attention to details. I am a teacher. I should know this. : (
Saturday, May 20, 2006
They set the date
My brother is getting married on December 2, 2006. I was told that he told his bride not to talk to him about the wedding. He didn't care anymore and he would just show up. So, I am going with the same attitude. She told my mother that as adiment as he was about it being small, she was about it being big. I'm out of it. I will support her when she asks. I can do nothing else. I now have 3 weddings next year. The first is Sept. 16th for my husband's bestfriend. We are both in the wedding and have to go to Detroit. I picked out my dress today. It is very pretty! Here is a pic if you want to see. It will be in Wine. They are a great couple and I am very excited for them. The second is actually the groom from above's ex-girlfriend. We have remained friends and I am invited to the wedding. (kind of weird b/c he's not) I am keeping her guestbook. We are taking digital photos for the guestbook. It should be really cool. Then, my brother's will be the next weekend. Oh, I am gonna be broke.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Career Day
Today was career day at school. We had parents volunteer to come in and speak to the children. Some parents were great and others we really could've done with out. I felt really bad for the man that was so proud that he installs automatic doors. Hey, someone has to do the job. I understand that. It's just that he thought 40K a year was a BIG deal. It is for some families, but bless his heart he spoke right after a very upbeat electrical engineer that promised a much larger salary. I have to say one of my favorites was a truck driver. He absolutely loooooves his job. He has been driving for 16 years and said that he would never do anything else. It's nice to see humble, down-to-Earth people.
6 days left!
6 days left!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Part II
Okay, I left off with finding out my bro was getting married. Because my mom told me and there was no official proposal.
Monday - Mom went to her safety deposit box for her wedding rings.
Background: My father died in a plane crash when I was 5. I wear his wedding band on my right hand. It was my present for high school graduation from my mother. My brother has his other ring that he recieved for graduation. Marshell walked me down the aisle at my wedding. He had broken ribs, fractured tailbone, lacerated kidney and was told not to. He even put his cane to the side. (He was supposed to be on crutches.) Back to phone conversations.....
Mom: So I went to the safety deposit box today.
Me: Okay.
Mom: I had them change your name.
Me: Good, I need to add a few things and really don't want the hassle.
Mom: I took out my wedding rings.
Me: okay.
Mom: I gave them to your brother for S.
Me: well, that's the best idea i've heard so far.
I am thinking that at least he doesn't have to spend any money. Yes, I trust her to wear my mother's wedding rings. I really do. (That's a good sign, right?)
When they discussed getting married, Marshell said he wanted a very small ceremony and a big party. S. agreed with him. Since then, she wants the whole package. I am talking 160 people at the ceremony, compared to the original 10 or less. I'm pissed. My brother should get what he wants. This was discussed before she got the ring! I am so nervous and upset. I decide I need to talk to my brother.....Mom encourages me saying that I can talk to him without him getting upset with me. Sorry, I never realized that he wouldn't get upset with me. I always concerned that I would upset him. I need his approval. I know it stems from my past. Mom thinks it will be okay.
So I started talking. I told him I was not going to be happy until I asked a few questions...I asked, he answered. I felt a little better EXCEPT he said "I am ready to have kids. It sucks that I have to get married first." How am I supposed to feel? Better yet, How is his fiance supposed to feel? Then she started pressing the big wedding. He refused saying he wouldn't show up.
Tonight is Wednesday. We always go to my Granny's house. ALWAYS!!! This tradition started when Grandaddy died a few years ago. S. called mom and wants her to go look at a place for the wedding. First wedding news in about a month. I get a little upset, b/c my mom never misses and my hubby isn't going with me tonight. Then mom calls and says that everything went well. They like the place and it sounds like they are having a full wedding. Is my brother okay with this? We don't know. We haven't talked to him yet.
I'm frustrated once again. I talked to my physcologist earlier (Lucky). Am I afraid to let him go or is this not right? (Sorry, but I just had a total SITC moment.) If they are going with the full wedding, Bubba mentioned she wanted me in it. I don't know if I want to be. I know that I am probably having a hard time letting him go. I used to do everything for him. Shopping, errands, you name it I was there. It hasn't been that way in a while. Am I upset b/c I don't want him to make a mistake or Am I upset b/c I feel like I am loosing him? I know I am scared that I don't think S. is strong enough to take care of him. He is completely different frm any other man I know. I want him to be happy. So for now I choose to stay out of it. When Mom and I got off the phone..I said, "I don't think I am in the mood to discuss M and S's wedding at this time." I can't avoid it for ever, but I'll try for a while.
P.S. If you are reading this and don't usually comment......keep it to yourself if you see me, my husband, my family, or my friends somewhere. Don't make it uncomfortable. Thanks a bunch. ;)
Monday - Mom went to her safety deposit box for her wedding rings.
Background: My father died in a plane crash when I was 5. I wear his wedding band on my right hand. It was my present for high school graduation from my mother. My brother has his other ring that he recieved for graduation. Marshell walked me down the aisle at my wedding. He had broken ribs, fractured tailbone, lacerated kidney and was told not to. He even put his cane to the side. (He was supposed to be on crutches.) Back to phone conversations.....
Mom: So I went to the safety deposit box today.
Me: Okay.
Mom: I had them change your name.
Me: Good, I need to add a few things and really don't want the hassle.
Mom: I took out my wedding rings.
Me: okay.
Mom: I gave them to your brother for S.
Me: well, that's the best idea i've heard so far.
I am thinking that at least he doesn't have to spend any money. Yes, I trust her to wear my mother's wedding rings. I really do. (That's a good sign, right?)
When they discussed getting married, Marshell said he wanted a very small ceremony and a big party. S. agreed with him. Since then, she wants the whole package. I am talking 160 people at the ceremony, compared to the original 10 or less. I'm pissed. My brother should get what he wants. This was discussed before she got the ring! I am so nervous and upset. I decide I need to talk to my brother.....Mom encourages me saying that I can talk to him without him getting upset with me. Sorry, I never realized that he wouldn't get upset with me. I always concerned that I would upset him. I need his approval. I know it stems from my past. Mom thinks it will be okay.
So I started talking. I told him I was not going to be happy until I asked a few questions...I asked, he answered. I felt a little better EXCEPT he said "I am ready to have kids. It sucks that I have to get married first." How am I supposed to feel? Better yet, How is his fiance supposed to feel? Then she started pressing the big wedding. He refused saying he wouldn't show up.
Tonight is Wednesday. We always go to my Granny's house. ALWAYS!!! This tradition started when Grandaddy died a few years ago. S. called mom and wants her to go look at a place for the wedding. First wedding news in about a month. I get a little upset, b/c my mom never misses and my hubby isn't going with me tonight. Then mom calls and says that everything went well. They like the place and it sounds like they are having a full wedding. Is my brother okay with this? We don't know. We haven't talked to him yet.
I'm frustrated once again. I talked to my physcologist earlier (Lucky). Am I afraid to let him go or is this not right? (Sorry, but I just had a total SITC moment.) If they are going with the full wedding, Bubba mentioned she wanted me in it. I don't know if I want to be. I know that I am probably having a hard time letting him go. I used to do everything for him. Shopping, errands, you name it I was there. It hasn't been that way in a while. Am I upset b/c I don't want him to make a mistake or Am I upset b/c I feel like I am loosing him? I know I am scared that I don't think S. is strong enough to take care of him. He is completely different frm any other man I know. I want him to be happy. So for now I choose to stay out of it. When Mom and I got off the phone..I said, "I don't think I am in the mood to discuss M and S's wedding at this time." I can't avoid it for ever, but I'll try for a while.
P.S. If you are reading this and don't usually comment......keep it to yourself if you see me, my husband, my family, or my friends somewhere. Don't make it uncomfortable. Thanks a bunch. ;)
Feelings Part I
I hate to admit this.... but I am having a really hard time with the thought of my brother getting married. I can't think of a better person to be my s.i.l., but I just don't think now is the time. My happiness should not matter in his relationship, but I want to throw a temper tantrum. I guess I should start at the beginning. Lord, I hope this stays in blogger land...
Beginning of March
My friend saw my future s.i.l. at a store buying maternity pants. She wanted to buy a stroller/car seat combo, too. Friend talked her out of it. She is NOT preggo. I found this odd, and thought my brother would totally freak the fuck out if he knew. Lots of gossiping with mom over this. But, future sil told my mom what she bought. Weird?!? I'm starting to get a bit uncomfortable.
A week later....Every Wednesday we go to Granny's for dinner. While sitting at the table talking to the family and cutting up, I see future s.i.l. whispering to my mom. All I hear is "baby." I really freak the fuck out. What? Is she pregnant? I want to ask, but can't bring myself to. Surely, she would tell ME. I just choke instead. My heart is beating out of my chest. I leave and wait about 3o minutes to call mom.......
Me: Are you still at Granny's?
Mom: No, I'm on the other line with S. Can I call you back?
Me: UGH! As long as you will tell me what the fuck is going on?
Yes, very rude of me. I cursed while speaking to my mother.
She calls back and tells me that my brother, MY brother proposed the idea of having children to S. I'm lost. I don't think I know him. I thought I did. We were pretty close, but...do I really know him at all? She won't have children until she gets married. (Good for her)
End of March
I'm working hard on Sunday night to finish all the things I have to do for school on Monday. I always procrastinate. I am trying to drink, work, and watch Sopranos. I am busy! I am woman. I can multi-task. Phone rings..Who would call me during Sopranos? Everyone knows that you don't call my house on Sunday evening. Mom. hmm...
ME: hello?
Mom: Well, it looks like we're going to have a wedding.
Moments of silence......
Me to hubby: I'll be in the bedroom. Hubby to Friend: She's pissed.
Future s.i.l. and Mom had been out shopping. F.s.i.l. told mom they were getting married. hmmm.....no real proposal. I sit. I listen to details. She is telling everyone they are engaged. My brother doesn't realize this going on, but in the end he's okay with it. Wedding in Sept or Oct. blah, blah. Then my mom asks how I feel about it.
Me: I doesn't matter what I think. It's not my relationship. I am trying so hard to be nice and get out of answering.
Mom: well, you are his sister.
Me: I don't like it. It isn't romantic and I don't understand why they are doing this now.
Background: Bro opened his own stereo shop last June. He's really not making money yet. He is barely staying alive. Sold his truck and works at least 10 hours a day 6 days a week; usually even holidays. He is extremely responsible and would want to be stable to do anything this big. (or so I thought)
I have to stop b/c after all it is Wednesday. I am late leaving for Granny's. There is so much more to this story. I'll try to finish later.
Beginning of March
My friend saw my future s.i.l. at a store buying maternity pants. She wanted to buy a stroller/car seat combo, too. Friend talked her out of it. She is NOT preggo. I found this odd, and thought my brother would totally freak the fuck out if he knew. Lots of gossiping with mom over this. But, future sil told my mom what she bought. Weird?!? I'm starting to get a bit uncomfortable.
A week later....Every Wednesday we go to Granny's for dinner. While sitting at the table talking to the family and cutting up, I see future s.i.l. whispering to my mom. All I hear is "baby." I really freak the fuck out. What? Is she pregnant? I want to ask, but can't bring myself to. Surely, she would tell ME. I just choke instead. My heart is beating out of my chest. I leave and wait about 3o minutes to call mom.......
Me: Are you still at Granny's?
Mom: No, I'm on the other line with S. Can I call you back?
Me: UGH! As long as you will tell me what the fuck is going on?
Yes, very rude of me. I cursed while speaking to my mother.
She calls back and tells me that my brother, MY brother proposed the idea of having children to S. I'm lost. I don't think I know him. I thought I did. We were pretty close, but...do I really know him at all? She won't have children until she gets married. (Good for her)
End of March
I'm working hard on Sunday night to finish all the things I have to do for school on Monday. I always procrastinate. I am trying to drink, work, and watch Sopranos. I am busy! I am woman. I can multi-task. Phone rings..Who would call me during Sopranos? Everyone knows that you don't call my house on Sunday evening. Mom. hmm...
ME: hello?
Mom: Well, it looks like we're going to have a wedding.
Moments of silence......
Me to hubby: I'll be in the bedroom. Hubby to Friend: She's pissed.
Future s.i.l. and Mom had been out shopping. F.s.i.l. told mom they were getting married. hmmm.....no real proposal. I sit. I listen to details. She is telling everyone they are engaged. My brother doesn't realize this going on, but in the end he's okay with it. Wedding in Sept or Oct. blah, blah. Then my mom asks how I feel about it.
Me: I doesn't matter what I think. It's not my relationship. I am trying so hard to be nice and get out of answering.
Mom: well, you are his sister.
Me: I don't like it. It isn't romantic and I don't understand why they are doing this now.
Background: Bro opened his own stereo shop last June. He's really not making money yet. He is barely staying alive. Sold his truck and works at least 10 hours a day 6 days a week; usually even holidays. He is extremely responsible and would want to be stable to do anything this big. (or so I thought)
I have to stop b/c after all it is Wednesday. I am late leaving for Granny's. There is so much more to this story. I'll try to finish later.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
8 More Days
Sometimes I feel like I am trapped in crazy place....not my life, but my work. I was so frustrated at school today. I have a lot of patience. I really do. I just wanted to scream and run out of my class room. We have a few students that I just can't tolerate anymore of and I don't know what to do. The site of these students, their voices, their attitudes....I just can't do any more for them. I don't want to see them anymore. Then I feel bad. They are children. They might have a bad home life. Well, I am sick of excuses.....cancer as a baby, so they can't help their behavior; raised by one parent; blah, blah. Just because you don't have any money or you don't live with your dad, doesn't give you the right to yell at me, hit someone, or just be a total shit. I know I sound insensitive, but I have bent over backwards all year and now I am snapping. 8 more days and I will be free of these students. Who knows what next year will bring?!? Could it be worse? Now that I have said all that I feel a little better.
Good students - Last week was teacher appreciation week. My homeroom threw me a suprise party. It was really sweet. They had cookie cake and chips. My room was decorated. Made me feel good.
Good students - Last week was teacher appreciation week. My homeroom threw me a suprise party. It was really sweet. They had cookie cake and chips. My room was decorated. Made me feel good.
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Okay! A few pics for you. the first is of my girls (cheer) completing community service. I think they wore more paint than the walls. The other two are of my tree that was worn out. It decided to rest on my chimney during the storms a few weeks ago. My backyard looks awful, but no damage to the house. : ) We've go to remove the stump and plant a new tree. We just haven't decided on what type of tree to plant.
SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!! I have 2 weeks left. That is 11 school days as of right now. I can't wait. I need the break for my mental health. I am going crazy. The kids are wild...remember I have middle school students! We don't have books and are just coming up with things for them to do. I have a whole project about a mission to the moon for next week. I just can't figure out what to do about the last week of school. This week we researched Science careers. And those of you that are envious of my Summer break....(wait a sec, I have to jump on my soapbox) WE WORK THOSE HOURS DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most people who put in these kind of hours get paid a whole lot more. We get 8 weeks for break. I will be out of town for 3 weeks of my break. I am taking a class at UT Martin for Science. I am going to Cheer camp with my girls. AND last and definately the best, I am going to Destin in July. Jana and Dave are going with us. How cool is that? It will be a little weird, since we're not used to having anyone with us. But I am so excited. I am just tire of packing. I am packing up my class room. We have to do this every year since SPED summer school is at my school. It really sucks. Imagine moving something like your office every 10 months. All the files, pictures, posters, and supplies go with you. WHERE!! Last year, in my den. I am hoping I can butter up my f-i-l this year and use the warehouse. Well, enough rambling. Have a fabulous weekend. I am throwing an engagement party for a friend so I will be busy. OH! And I almost forgot - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! to all the mom's and soon to be's. : )
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