Saturday, February 11, 2006

Good Fortune

I've been extremely stressed out this week so I haven't had time to update. I had my first evaluation at school. I haven't had my post so I don't know how well I did, but I am confident that I did okay. Well, Friday was a wonderful day!! It snowed! Not ice, but real snow. The children were so hyper. I was just as hyper, but not due to the snow. I NEVER sit in my room during my lunch period, but on Friday I had to finish up the paperwork from my eval. so I decided to go back to my room. Ok, Ok, so I am sitting at my desk and I hear my phone vibrating. I answer it and they ask for "my maiden name", I hesitate and say,"This is she." The lady tells me that she is with GKB& M. My lawsuit has finally been settled. I was rearended about 2 years ago. I had such a hard time with the insurance company (and I went through 6 weeks of physical therapy due to whiplash)that I turned it all over to Mr. Bienvenu(sp?). I hadn't even heard from his office in over a year. I just thought I would eventually hear from them and my medical bills would finally be paid. I truly didn't believe that I would get anything out of this.Well, I have created a burden on my husband. I have $30,000 in student loans and we have a credit card bill that we just can't dent. NO, I did not get enough money to cover my student loans. I am however going to have enough to cover the credit card. I have really been trying to figure out how to get rid of that bill. We will now be able to breath during the month and maybe put some money in savings. I called my hubby at lunch and told him about our good luck and how things were finally going our way. He was so happy and told me I could do whatever I wanted with the money. (Lucky Gem - we're going out of town. I can afford it now.) Just when I thought things couldn't get any better....he sends me an email about 20 minutes later with more good news. One of the guys in the office is getting a new company vehicle and hubby is getting this guy's truck as a COMPANY VEHICLE!!! We will be able to sell his truck, get rid of that insurance payment, and he will probably have a gas card. Let me just tell you how happy we are. Hubby's truck that he is driving now is pretty. It's shiny, has wheels, bumps a bit, and fits us just fine in the summer. IT HAS NO HEAT. He has been driving around for two winter without heat. It is a 4 door F150. It's not brand new or anything, but it has heat. AND 4 doors will be convienent for when we decide to have children. In the snow, we celebrated with steak last night. We went to Lonestar. Just a quick note - The city of Bartlett rules!! The trucks were out plowing the streets and cops were at two different wrecks that we saw. I love living in Bartlett.


Lucky Gem said...

I am so happy for y'all!! Yay!!

It's Kimpossible! said...

I swear, we must be living the same life! We went to Lonestar Friday, YUMMMYYYY!!!! Congratulations on the windfall! Enjoy paying off that card.

Silly Hily said...

I was just about to say, did you see Kim at LoneStar? Funny!
Well, congratulations on so much wonderful news in one day! Good things must come to those who wait. I am so happy for you and J! Enjoy paying off that credit card girl. It's going to feel GOOOOOOD!!!!

takinchances said...

Congratulations. I know you must feel a huge weight has been taken off your shoulders.

And thanks for living in the CofB for the props. : ))