Let me just say...what a great start! It was a lot more pleasant around my house this weekend than I thought it would be. So pleasant that we went out to celebrate and didn't get home until about 5 AM. Yep, that's true. I am entirely toooooo old to go out and party like that. Where do you go 'til 4:30 in the morning? We started with dinner at El Patron. (my absolute fav-o-rite mexican restaurant) I had a few Tecates with my very yummy dinner. Then we went to Fox and the Hound to play pool. The boys played a little bit of pool, but I think they were way too drunk to care what they did. We spent most of the time talking to my boyfriend about his upcoming marriage. I'm scared. He has cold feet and I really just want him to be happy. I don't care if it is with her or without. Just happy. I think if he has concerns he needs to think long and hard about all of this. We stayed there until about 1 in the morning. Then we decided we need to go wake up our boy, I'll just call him Multi-ball. (not what you are thinking! it actually is from his golf game) Remember it is ONE'o'clock in the morning. He lives alone thank goodness. We banged on his door, no answer. We called his house, no answer. The dog was barking and the cat was running, no answer. Finally, my drunk friend Nurse Betty set off his truck alarm when she fell on top of it. He came flying to the door. It was like a freakin' movie. We all ambushed the place. There was 6 of us and we took over. We drank his beer, played with the animals, you name it. We convinced him to get up and go to The Pony with us. The Pony has $5 pitchers of beer. We spent $14 just to get in the damn place. We did have a good time after all was said and done. I felt like I was going to fall asleep on the way home and I did as soon as my sweet head hit the pillow. I woke up at 7:20 AM to the sound of my mother-in-law picking up my husband to play golf. I sure am glad I didn't have to get up for any reason, so I rolled back over and got up around one in the afternoon. We did nothing the rest of the day on Sunday. No-thing~I am too old to shit like this. I do have some thoughts on strippers that I will try to get to later. For now, I need to finish my paperwork for my eval on Thursday. Wish me luck! It's my last year of evals for a while.