Friday, July 21, 2006

Sex on the Beach

This time tomorrow I will be looking at the ocean. I may even have a sex on the beach to drink. (You all thought I was going to say something dirty!) I hate packing. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I never know what to take. I usually don't wear half of what I take, but I might need it. We are leaving for the beach at 6 AM tomorrow. Did you get that? SIX O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. My hubby is very excited and would leave Friday night if we could get into the condo. He wanted to leave at 5:30, but I told him to go easy on the pregnant lady (Lucky) and give her until 6. : ) I am not a morning person and will probably go back to sleep in the truck. I should be packing, cleaning, and running errands. But for some reason I am so drawn to this little laptop that I just can't bring myself to get up and walk away. When I walk away it's starts to show the pictures from my New York trip. It knows how much I love New York and how it can keep me entertained with those pictures and memories.
Our anniversary is Monday! We are going to go out to dinner (compliments of my f-i-l, thanks dad!). Before our wedding I had a lingerie shower. I almost canceled it because my brother was in the hospital from his motorcycle wreck, but decided we needed the distraction. After the shower, I hid all the "outfits" in my closet so that Jason wouldn't see them before the honeymoon. Guess what! I forgot one. I found it the other day. I'm so excited b/c now I have something for our 2nd anniversary. And it was free. I promise I will stay in our bedroom, Lucky. I won't strut out and show you and your baby's daddy. - lol

Anyway, off to Florida we toFlorida we go...hi ho the dillio... off to Florida we go!
Yes, I know I have officially lost my mind. I keep telling Lucky that I must be giving all of my intelligence to dos(aka her baby) b/c I don't have any left.

Monday, July 17, 2006

lalalalalalalalala...good things

I woke up this morning about an hour after I wanted to get up. I am trying to start getting up early and getting somethings done since school is right around the corner. Well, I was tired and couldn't budge. I finally rolled out of bed around 8:30. I decided that I needed some stress therapy and since so many of my friends and co-workers have tried one particular thing, I would too. I am a dumbass. I went running at 8:30 in the morning. I am not a runner. I am trying to build up so I can run with my cheer girls when school starts back. AND I can not have them out doing me. But, while I was running (running in between the walking) I started thinking. I can do this. I can handle teaching the 5th grade students. I'm going to sit down and do lesson plans tonight. I can just break them all down in the beginning and then we can build together. I'll just make one cry the first day or maybe one a day to shown them who's boss. I am totally kidding about the crying part. They do that all on their own. I came home from running (walking) and had TWO messages from my principal. Not one, but TWO. hmmm....I'm very curious. I thought it was going to be about the presentation that I have to give on Thursday to my entire faculty. No! I was wrong. I was moved back to 6th grade!!!! I am the happiest woman alive. I now feel like I can run 100 miles. (Don't worry, I won't even try.) I wanted to stay where I was so that I could use all my things from last year. And I am on a team with my bestest school friend. Could things get better??? YES! She teaches Enriched and I will have an Enriched class. So, I am not cooking dinner tonight. We will be going out to El Patron (the best Mexican restaurant here in Bartlett) and I will have a big margarita or maybe a beer. But now I am going to concentrate on going to Florida. We leave Saturday!!!! Lucky and her husband are coming with us. : )

Monday, July 03, 2006


I never go to the movies. Usually, just don't have time or there's nothing out that I want to spend so much money on. This weekend I went to not one, but two good movies.

My husband and I went to see "Cars." It was a great movie. Funny and entertaining.I love the tractor tipping. The problem is that it was 2 hours long. I don't know how children would sit still for this entire movie. Actually, I know that they don't. We went to a late movie and the little boy behind us had to start running up and down the stairs because he couldn't sit any long. It was very cute. The movie kept me laughing and if you go, make sure you stay until the very end of the credits for that last laugh.

Lucky and I went to see "The Devil Wears Prada." Meryl Streep did an awesome job. She was snooty, bitchy, and just damn powerful. The movie was good. It was entertaining and real. The storyline could really happen to any of us. (not the whole fashion industry angle, but the getting caught up in our job trying to get where we want to be) We also loved seeing NYC in the background because it reminded us of our trip. I would jump on a plane now and go.

Overall, I would go watch Cars again. I liked T.D.W.P, but I will wait until it comes out on video to watch again.