Monday, February 27, 2006


Thankful: I am thankful that I married my husband.

I took my bungy jumping video to school today. I did this daring deed when I was about 14. We are studying potential and kinetic energy, so I was trying to explain elastic potential energy. The kids had a ball with it. They said I looked just the same as I do now. (Suck ups!) It was so strange to see it again. I was flirting with the guy that worked at the bungy place. My kids started asking me if I thought he was cute. They actually picked up on that. I sounded SO country on the video. I asked all the kids, "Do I really sound like that?" They said yes. I can't believe that I sound like that. I just don't hear it. I heard a few of the boys saying that I look much better with shorter hair. Too funny. Well, the video has 6 jumps taped on it. I am on there twice, my brother is on there twice, my mom once, and Brad once. The kids absolutely loved seeing my mom jump. She screams and they thought it was hilarious. Unfortunately, one class heard Brad saying that his girlfriend was me. I had already told them he was my brother's friend. It made me start thinking. I am so glad that I ended up with Jason. I say ended because I have no intentions of ever being single again. Therefore, I ENDED my single years with Jason. I can't say that I would be stable if I ended up with anyone else. I remember dating others, that I thought I was in love with and I probably was at the time. I remember fighting with others. I remember how romantic others were. I remember the grand gestures they made. I also always remember thinking I would marry Jason even when I was dating other guys. I am glad I married him. I wouldn't have my killer cat. I wouldn't have finished college. Did I ever mention that he worked 2 jobs BEFORE we were married to help me with college? He suffered along with me through student teaching when I couldn't work for a paycheck. My family loves him. They don't even remember much of anyone else. Did I mention that my husband does laundry? He just a great guy and I thought I would share parts of that today. He is great for so many other things that I haven't even mentioned today. TTFN

Friday, February 24, 2006 beloved cat

What I am thankful for: My husband pulled in the driveway 1 minute after I opened the door and walked in the house. JUST'll see.

My Angel of the Day: MY HUSBAND Why? Because he pulled in the driveway 1 minute after I opened the door and walked in the house. He let me go to the back of the house and freak the F out.

I came home so excited that it was Friday. I have Bunco tonight. I had a rough day, but over all not bad. No fights. Not too many irritations. I am on my cell phone talking to my old boss about my NYC trip and her new boyfriend. I unlock the door and walk in the house......HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??? Those??UGH..I gotta go and I am leaving the house. I run into the kitchen and call my husband.
HIM: I'm in the driveway. Why?
ME: I don't know what all is dead in the house, but I know I saw a mole.
HIM: (laughing hysterically due to the fact that I am about to vomit) I'll be right in.

He comes in the house. I run to the back. I can hear him talking to me...
Him: looks like a seashell or something. It must be a stomach.
ME: UGH! I think I saw a nose and an eyeball.
Him: Well, I see a nose, but I don't think that is an eyeball.
ME: UGH! I think I want to puke.
Him: The big plug of fur didn't come off the cat. It's just a caterpillar. I think the face belonged to a mouse. That is definately a mole.
The mole was the only thing that was left in one piece. There was shit on my floor. I guess my cat tore open the mouse in my house. I don't know if she ate the rest of it or took it outside. I guess she is feeling better. I have one more thing to add to my list of things I want to do in the house. Get rid of the blood stained carpet. My cat has destroyed our carpet with dead animals. They are small stains. BUT, I know what they are. Sorry to you animal lovers out there. My cat is a KILLER. My husband loves her for it. I love her because she comes and curls up on me every morning. She is usually soooo sweet. Then again, the weather is getting warmer and the animals are starting to move again. Fresh prey.
**And I am usually just fine picking up a dead mole or a small mouse. I was just overwhelmed with her ambush today. It's been awhile.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


I am thankful that I get an extra planning period on Thursdays. I actually accomplished a few things today. I put together TCAP review for 3 subjects next week to help out my team. This is extremely amazing. I am usually unprepared. It felt so good to be able to provide things for them. Go me! I deserve a sticker.

Angel of the Day: Ms. Moss Why? She noticed that one of my student's binders was falling apart and brought him a new one. It's the little things.

Ten Things About Me:
1. I have a name picked out for my first son.
2. I'm not trying to have babies, yet.
3. I have actually started keeping a written journal.
4. I act like I am in high school when I am around Lucky Gem.
5. I did my first load of laundry in about 3 months last night.
6. My husband has been doing the laundry.
7. I am getting better about being on time.
8. My poor cat has ear mites.
9. I have to hold her down and put medicine on her.
10. I pray at least once a day.

Thanks to Silly Hilly for the idea. I decided to do 10 a day for a few days instead of all 100 at once. You're a much better blogger than me.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


What I am Thankful For: My trip to New York is booked and all I have to do now is figure out what clothes to take.

Angel of the Day: My mom Why: She is making t-shirts for my brother's shop. She wants to make sure we all have shirts to wear and give away at Pimp My Ride. She is very supportive of her children and goes out of her way for all of us. (biological children and adopted)

ABOUT THE TRIP: I keep seeing the commercial for Disney on TV. The one where the little boy sneaks into the girls room and they start talking about all the magic at Disney. The mom comes in and sends them back to bed. Then the dad is lying in bed and says that he is too excited to sleep. I know that is how Lucky Gem and I are going to feel the night before we leave. The only bad thing is that I have to work half a day before we leave. I am so exicted I can barely contain myself now. I can't wait! I can't wait! I hope we get to go on the SATC tour. And eat great food. And shop. And see some history. And shop. And see a show. And shop. Lucky Gem has already bought new batteries for her camera, so we should get some pics between the two of us. I am almost as excited as I was about my honeymoon.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


What I Am Thankful For Today: That I was not supervising the student who walked into a pole and went to the emergency room in an ambulance.

So I am thinking that I will come up with something everyday that I am thankful for. Somedays serious, somedays stupid, you know, just so I have something.

My Angel of the Day: Ms. Flowers Why: She wanted to be at drama about as much as I did, but we made it through it together. Ms. Vickery is climbing up close, since she invited me out for drinks.

I am also going to have an angel for the day. It may be something nice someone did, could be someone really stupid who makes me feel better, you know, we have all types of angels.

Let me know if the ideas sink or swim. I think I have writers block. I wish every weekend was a three day weekend.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Well, another week and just a few before Spring Break. This week was long and difficult. I haven't mastered the word "no". I am now taking on Drama Club. Our first play is May 16th. Our original leader is leaving us and they need help. I guess I am just the sucker at school, because they asked me. I now have drama every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:45. Starting the end of March I will also have cheer practice on Mondays and Thursdays. My husband sure is gonna miss me. Just when you feel burned out and fed up, you have a wonderful child who comes to you and makes it all worth while. I had students who yelled, screamed, and acted a fool in my class all week, stop and hug me this afternoon. It's amazing how that little gesture makes my long days, and sleepless nights all worth it. Sitting at dinner tonight a little boy kept making faces at my husband. It was so cute. I joined in. His parents then see him and begin to apologize. No need. He has totally restored my faith in children. He was so cute. Let your children flirt. Dad told him to wink at him. Made my day. Love you all!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Good Fortune

I've been extremely stressed out this week so I haven't had time to update. I had my first evaluation at school. I haven't had my post so I don't know how well I did, but I am confident that I did okay. Well, Friday was a wonderful day!! It snowed! Not ice, but real snow. The children were so hyper. I was just as hyper, but not due to the snow. I NEVER sit in my room during my lunch period, but on Friday I had to finish up the paperwork from my eval. so I decided to go back to my room. Ok, Ok, so I am sitting at my desk and I hear my phone vibrating. I answer it and they ask for "my maiden name", I hesitate and say,"This is she." The lady tells me that she is with GKB& M. My lawsuit has finally been settled. I was rearended about 2 years ago. I had such a hard time with the insurance company (and I went through 6 weeks of physical therapy due to whiplash)that I turned it all over to Mr. Bienvenu(sp?). I hadn't even heard from his office in over a year. I just thought I would eventually hear from them and my medical bills would finally be paid. I truly didn't believe that I would get anything out of this.Well, I have created a burden on my husband. I have $30,000 in student loans and we have a credit card bill that we just can't dent. NO, I did not get enough money to cover my student loans. I am however going to have enough to cover the credit card. I have really been trying to figure out how to get rid of that bill. We will now be able to breath during the month and maybe put some money in savings. I called my hubby at lunch and told him about our good luck and how things were finally going our way. He was so happy and told me I could do whatever I wanted with the money. (Lucky Gem - we're going out of town. I can afford it now.) Just when I thought things couldn't get any better....he sends me an email about 20 minutes later with more good news. One of the guys in the office is getting a new company vehicle and hubby is getting this guy's truck as a COMPANY VEHICLE!!! We will be able to sell his truck, get rid of that insurance payment, and he will probably have a gas card. Let me just tell you how happy we are. Hubby's truck that he is driving now is pretty. It's shiny, has wheels, bumps a bit, and fits us just fine in the summer. IT HAS NO HEAT. He has been driving around for two winter without heat. It is a 4 door F150. It's not brand new or anything, but it has heat. AND 4 doors will be convienent for when we decide to have children. In the snow, we celebrated with steak last night. We went to Lonestar. Just a quick note - The city of Bartlett rules!! The trucks were out plowing the streets and cops were at two different wrecks that we saw. I love living in Bartlett.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


I went to my grandmother's for dinner Wednesday night. We go there EVERY Wednesday night. Granny still lives in Frayser, but we still go. I wish she would move. It is not the safest place for her. Last night a big group came. The usual (Uncle Jack and his crew, Mom, David, Me & Jason) were there. My uncle David, cousin Kenneth, cousin Justin & his fiance (damn, I forgot her name again.), Aunt Linda and her husband Steve(must clarify that that man is NOT my uncle), cousin Adre & her daughter Chelsea, and my cousin Jenifer & her baby Brian. I don't know if you have all that straight or not. I know that there are so many grammatical errors in the last few clauses. I just don't care. Moving family is pretty red. Rednecks they are. My uncle David does the pull my finger, wears overalls, and takes food off your plate. (he's not a blood uncle) Anyway, I love them. I have to and they are good people. My cousin's baby Brian is always getting attention. He is the only baby in the family right now. He is 8 mos. old. I am becoming very concerned about him. For some reason no one in my family seems to remember that he is 8 mos old. Everytime someone walks past him, they feed him. He's not a dog, but a baby. If he doesn't accept it the first time, they try again. He is not fat yet. The first few months of his life he had really bad reflux and spit up everything. Now he can eat and does. At Thanksgiving, the baby ate (was fed) an entire piece of pumpkin pie. He was about 5-1/2 mos. old. Maybe I am overreacting, but pumpkin pie is a bit rich and has mucho sugars in it. I overheard them saying that at the Mexican restaraunt he ate a plate of refried beans. YUCK! Imagine that diaper. My point is that I think his parents are trying to make him older than he is. I know you young mothers will correct me if I am wrong. I do not have children yet so I probably should keep my mouth shut. I am just worried he will be completely overweight. They started feeding him cereal at about 5 days. He just couldn't keep anything down until now. Even the toys that they give him are older. My 2nd point is that I am scared my family will be the same way when I start to have kids. My husband actually voiced that to me. I know we can tell people what we want, but will they really respect our wishes? I would hate to never be able to leave my child with family for fear that they would feed him something I don't. I guess I will cross that bridge when I get there. OH, and my cousin's fiance's name is Tracey. I finally remembered.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Long Days

Yesterday was a very long day. I went to school all day and then my team and I went to a textbook dinner. The textbook company invited all the SCS teachers to Jim's Place for a presentation and dinner. The presentation ran long and we all had to get our dessert to go. We ran back to school for a PTA meeting. I finally came home around 8:30. Tired. I am still tired this morning. And I keep thinking about our schedule for next year. We have 1 day each semester of conferences after school. No big deal, I really want to meet with parents. The only problem is that half the parents will confirm and not show up. Can you imaginge? A teacher is concerned about your child and you can't come to the school for 15 minutes to discuss their future education. We start back to school on Aug. 1st, a Tuesday. Better than July 31st. (Monday) But, we have 2 days on the calander marked (.5) administrative after school hours. These hours are usually when we enter grades, clean up, plan for the next nine weeks. (Really we don't do much of anything, they are stupid.) BUT they are always a half day when we have not been teaching all day. One of these admin days is after school when we have to come back and teach the next day. I really hope I don't have to sit in my room for 4 hours just to make these hours when I could be at home with my husband. I know I will be off 2 months in the summer, but if you add all the hours that we work in 10 months, we have already worked those 2 months as well. And you usually end up working trying to get things organized for the next year. If we are going to go to year long school, just do it. Don't start cutting our time shorter and shorter and making the days longer and longer. I'm tired and I would really love to have the energy to make children of my own. Don't get me started as to how many hours I put in during basketball season. Coaches did more because they practice everyday, but I didn't miss a single game, boys or girls, home or away. I am the #1 fan. (and I sponsor the cheerleaders, so I don't have a choice.)
Have a wonderful day everybody. I will quit complaining and go do something productive. : )