Monday, January 30, 2006

Drama, Drama, Drama!

Wow! What a bunch of drama that I have been dragged in. But first, we did tile and paint the laundry room. Two things off my list. (I feel like Earl)

Friday - At work, 2 coworkers were reprimanded for a small issue. Something we all do, they just got caught. One coworker, stood up for himself and asked to see his personnel file. He was told no and that he would have to have a formal request in writing before he could see it. Long story-short, he raised his voice (not yelling) and spoke the truth about the laws. (or so I hear, I wasn't there) He was asked to leave the office and go home for the weekend.
Monday - Both coworkers get to work and are called into the office one at a time. One coworker is written up, no big deal, just a formality. The other is sent to the central office and told not to stop by his classroom on the way out. I ran into him in the parking lot and he thought he was getting fired. Turns out, he was sent to look at his personnel file because he asked. (not a formal request in writing) Anyway, he had a sub for the day and spoke to HR about a lot of issues at our school. Things are getting pretty interesting around there. I am trying to keep my head low and stay out sight. Another teacher is talking to lawyers about harassment issues. Teachers are being told that they have formal complaints against them and they check into it and there are none. I just don't want to get "marked" this year as one of the teachers that our boss appears to be after. I want to put so much more, but I'm nervous about who could end up reading it. I am so glad I am on the opposite side of the school this year.

Drama Saturday - I was in bed, nice and warm, curled up next to my husband when the phone rang. It was 1:00a.m! My friend's boyfriend is calling. Answer with a total eat shit tone. Come up to the bar. My exwife is causing problems, blah, blah, blah. My dumbass goes. I ran into yet another friend and hell breaks loose. Friend #1 is sitting at the bar ticked off because her boyfriend is spending more time with ex than current. Little while later, I hear the bartender going off on boyfriend for harrassing his ex. I try to talk to him to keep them separated. He is continually walking up to her and saying, "Go home, Bitch!" It was crazy. So, I tell my friend to leave his ass and come home with me. She is determined to drive and I can't stop her. I decide to follow her home, she F***ing went to his house. We did pass him running down the side of the street on the way. It would have taken him like an hour if not longer to walk home. So I leave her there to talk to him, only to have her call me back to his house a few minutes later. Yeah, I know, I should have just gone home at this point. She's upset, I tell him was an ass he is. Blah, Blah.... finally, I see she's not ready to leave him yet. I decide for the benefit of my sleep, I'll patch things up between them. It worked. Both of them are so drunk that they don't even know what is happening. (Sad.) I'm getting ready to leave when suddenly her boyfriend realizes he doesn't have his house keys. Nice person that I am, I drive them to Chili's were his car is parked to pick up his keys. He begs to drive home. NO WAY! I already had them to of them safe and I am not going to deal with anything else. I wish that was just it.......
Same night, Friend #2 at bar with fiance. Friend #1 and fiance dirty dancing all over each other. Friend #2 UPSET! (with good reason) I have often wondered about Friend #2's relationship with fiance. Fiance hits on me ALL the time. I thought it was just because we were friends and maybe I was "safe" friend to flirt with or I thought, hmmm, could they be swingers? (I am SO not into that.) Well, those two weren't talking. Friend #2 earlier had me introduce her to two guys she thought were cute. She has also told other girls before that her boyfriend thought they were cute. (sounds like a pick-up line to me) Friend #1 told Friend #2(no, they really don't know each other) that her fiance was a horndog and she was crazy to marry him.

I need to call and check on Friend #2. Make sure she's still getting married and stuff. Friend #1 wants me to call her and tell her what happened. Do I tell the truth or do I make it sound better so I don't have to deal with it all over again?? Sorry to bore all of you, I just needed to get some of that out.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

List for June

Instead of a list to do for this year, I am going to try for June.

1. 3 successful evaluations at school.
2. Keep up with school work, so that I can spend time with Jason.
3. Have a weekend away with Jana to do girlie things.
4. Plan our vacation in July.
5. Tile the laundry room.
6. Paint the laundry room.
7. Clean out my back bedrooms.
8. Stop taking my birth control pills.
9. Spend time with my family.
10. Complete my list.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Science Class

I don't want to write anything sappy right now and I went to a funeral today. I am going to tell you a short funny story about teaching science.

We started a new section in Life Science one day. It's about animals, adaptations, food chain, etc. Well, I had the students taking turns reading paragraphs out loud. The word ORGANISM is used many times during our lesson. I called on a little girl who is very smart and has excellent pronunciation. She read a few lines while I was sort of day dreaming (this was the 3rd time I had heard this paragraph that day) then I hear her say over and over "ORGASM." My face turned red, and I burst out laughing. I had to hold my book over my face to compose myself. Suprisingly, NONE of my students caught on. I read the rest of the lesson myself that day.

Same girl, different day, different class.....
Discussing an octupus. She is standing in front the class, waving her arms around, and saying "Its TESTACLES are just swinging around and flopping everywhere." The teacher very calmly says, " I think you mean TENTACLES, dear." She then left the classroom and came over to tell me. The boys did snicker on that one. The girls were a bit lost. I teach 6th grade.

I'll try to come up with something good later.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Lucky told me I had to...

My best friend told me that I had to since everyone else did....

so here goes. I will try the list of 50.

1.I am very forgetful.
2.I feel really bad and beat myself up when I forget.
3. My absolute favorite color is blue.
4. I sleep naked with an electric blanket.
5. I share my bed with my husband, my dog, and my cat.
6. I wish I could become more organized.
7. I am lazy. (makes becoming organized kind of difficult)
8. I am extremely independent.
9. I become very dependent if Jason is around.
10. I will never leave my mom.
11. I tend to spoil my brother.
12. I wish I had more memories of my dad.
13. I have three tattoos.
14. I have a belly button ring.
15. I am afraid Jason won't always be here.
16. I don't think I could live if he wasn't here.
17. I enjoy teaching Science.
18. I am not enjoying teaching Language Arts.
19. I never drank as much until became a teacher.
20. I want two children; a boy and a girl.
21. I love that my mother and I are so close.
22. I feel bad when I curse in front of Jana.
23. I know Jana has a funny look on her face right now.
24. I feel like I am never going to pay off my student loans.
25. I don't think Jason wants to finish school b/c I have student loans.
26. I feel selfish for that.
27. I wish all my students had great parents and loving homes.
28. I wish I could run.
29. I would love to have Sara Jessica Parker's body.(especially her arms)
30. I volunteer to do more than my share at work.
31. I volunteer because I think it will make others happy.
32. I tiled my kitchen floor. (with Jason's help)
33. I felt so fulfilled when the kitchen was finished.
34. Jana is as close to a sister as I will ever have. It's cool.
35. I feel like I have grown up a little more in the past year.
36. I love that Jana's husband calls me "Chris." I feel special.
37. I hate when Blair calls me "Chris."I roll my eyes.
38. Sometimes I feel really pretty.
39. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think "ugh."
40. I am tired of the prejudice in Memphis.
41. I love to get a tan on the beach.
42. I started drinking beer about two years ago.
43. I started drinking red wine about 4 months ago.
44. I try to be tougher than I am.
45. I feel like I should have accomplished more in my life by now.
46. I was the first grandchild on my mother's side to graduate from college.
47. I love that my grandparent's were married for 52 years.
48. I think about Uncle Tim a lot.
49. I am nervous about everyone reading my blog.
50. I have secrets like all of you.
51. I am not telling some of those secrets. EVER!!

That's it for today. Just me.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I gave up!!!

Well, I finally just created a new blog. My original blog lost its' mind. I tried so hard to be one of you "cool" bloggers. I spent hours trying to remember my username and password. It never worked. I never received the emails with my info. I received the "we will send it to you if you fill out the form" again email. But, I am here. I am not leaving. I wrote down all my info so that it won't be forgotten. I just hope my husband doesn't clean and throw it away. He's good at that. Now that I have made it to bloggerland I must leave. I'll be back...after the wonderful middle school basketball game I have to go watch.