Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I moved....
You can now find me here. If you are judgemental, stay on this site, or just read about Lucky. She keeps me going. : ) Thanks, Lucky!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Merry Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
More Wedding
Okay, I'm at work and haven't had time to update. So I may have several posts throughout the day about the wedding. It was beautiful. I am tired. I can't see my blog while at work, but I can update it. I know, weird. So here are a few more pics....stories to come...

Me and the bestman, Wes. My kids at school are calling him a HOTTIE!
Sara, the beautiful bride and my new sister!!!!
She almost made it down the aisle without crying. *keyword: almost
Jason, hubby, usher, chair mover....hit a car that blocked him in at the wedding. more to come on that.
Mom, bearer of two fabulous children. My hero!

Me and the bestman, Wes. My kids at school are calling him a HOTTIE!

She almost made it down the aisle without crying. *keyword: almost

Monday, December 04, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Catching Up
Well, I've had a lot going on lately. This blog is going to be a bunch of random things and I'll probably still leave things out. ; )
- Whoever invented the inflatable Christmas decorations is rich! My neighborhood has suddenly become invaded with air-filled santas, snow globes, and bears. This would be okay if people decorated in moderation, but that does not happen in my neighborhood. The "church" neighbors have so much crap in their yard. They have the 4' snowglobe that has an 8' santa and a bear attached to it. (remember they are inflated) They also have a leaning blow-up nativity scene. It looks like it is about to do a nose dive into their front lawn. This could be okay, but the blow-ups are separated by lighted trees and reindeer. It's bad, really bad. Did I mention that the inflatable objects create a good bit of sound?
- I don't know if I am mentioned this, but we have nicknames for our neighbors. The TV people (watch tv in their garage), The church people, The fat people, The foreigner, and many of our neighbors are lovingly referred to as the dirtballs. Well, one of the dirtballs lost their house today. Hubby was outside hanging Christmas lights and heard sirens. He turned around and saw smoke billowing out of their roof. I feel bad for them. It's never a good time to lose your home, but especially around the holidays. Luckily, no one was home and the puppies made it out okay. We drove by and the entire place appears to be gutted.
- Had my favorite for dinner, El Patron. No Tecate for me tonight. I'm not feeling all that well. I've been fighting a cold for about a week. I notice that I tend to feel worse on days that I don't drink. hmm...that could be a science project. Does drinking mask the symptoms of a cold or does it heal the symptoms? lol I'll start drinking again tomorrow and see what happens. Stef, he grabbed my ass on the third step from the top. Just in case you were wondering.
- BACHELOR PARTY!!! Is it okay for guys to go out, get drunk and look at boobies? Maybe it's the redneck in my but my answer is "hell, yeah!" (cue Gretchen Wilson) Bubba's bachelor party was last night. I guess they had a good time, hubby rolled in around 3 AM. But, my sil-to-be is pissed off. I really wish she would just get over it. My brother was in desperate need of a night out. He's a good guy. Cut him some slack! I don't think she's been in a strip club. If she would go, she would feel better. Most strippers aren't anything to look at and they only want the money. She'll get over it OR she won't get married next week. Still love her, just love my brother more. : )
- My brother's bestman is also one of my ex-boyfriends. So at the bachelor party last night he (the ex) kept telling hubby how glad he is that they can get along. Not really sure what all that was about since there was a good year in between them. But that tells me he was good and drunk. He's usually a happy drunk. My response to this story was, well not something you want to hear about it.
- The less than a brother will be (gulp) married!!! I really am okay with it now. I guess it's because I don't have time to not be okay with it. I spent ALL day with my mother today. We started the morning with coffee around 9:30. I didn't get home until around 6. We worked on things for Lucky and Baby Ryan. We then started setting up for our "party" on Friday night. We picked up tables, put out chairs, ironed tablecloths, tied ribbons on minature Godiva liquer bottles. Whew! I'm worn out. I guess it is just a preview of what the weekend is going to bring. But, I'm off work on Friday and I'm going to get a manicure/pedicure to give myself some pampering. I really need a massage, but that's going to have to wait.
- Would it be weird for me to take a vacation by myself? I would love to just go away for a weekend and not have anything or anyone to worry about. I got a glimpse of this when I went to Nashville for the weekend. It was nice to do my own thing and not worry about what anyone else wanted or didn't want to do.
- AND last but not least...Friday night...We went out with my boyfriend and the marine. We met at the Saucer and I managed to talk some guys out of their table. (I'm good like that.) By the end of the night, my Woody came up to meet us. We also ran into a friend of mine from high school with one of her friends. She sat with us and we played a bar game called Kill, Marry, Fuck. I'd never heard of it, but I'm a little out of the loop on drinking games. It made for a very interesting evening. I haven't spoken with everyone yet, so I really hope that everyone made it home safe and sound. My boyfriend is now married. I'm sure you remember the Detroit wedding. He hasn't changed a bit. He is the same crazy guy he's always been. Thank goodness b/c I was truly worried about him.
- Finally just want to send a shout out to my girl. Send me an email with your phone # and I'll send you that pic. And a shout out to my lurkers. Have a great evening!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and was able to reflect on what they are thankful for.
I am thankful for so much. I am thankful that I still have a job when in the past few years, so many have been laid off. I am thankful for my family. They are wonderful and supportive. I am thankful for my friends. They are my extended family and support me. I am thankful for little Ryan that is still "baking" in Lucky's tummy. I am thankful to have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my stomach. I am thankful to be an American where I have freedom and rights. I am thankful to be a woman.
I am thankful for so much. I am thankful that I still have a job when in the past few years, so many have been laid off. I am thankful for my family. They are wonderful and supportive. I am thankful for my friends. They are my extended family and support me. I am thankful for little Ryan that is still "baking" in Lucky's tummy. I am thankful to have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my stomach. I am thankful to be an American where I have freedom and rights. I am thankful to be a woman.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sad Times
It is already beginning....our crew is being split apart. It is starting with our school officer. He is being transferred to another school. This makes me very sad. He is a great guy. Extremely tall, built, kind, and follows the rules. I don't know what is going on, but I do know that he is a gentleman and I hate to see him go. One evening after a basketball game I was waiting for my cheerleaders to find their rides and had to sit outside another school for 35 minutes with 2 girls. Officer is the only one from my school that stayed with me. No other teachers or administrators. He even went to his truck and brought me his jacket since I didn't have one. He stayed the entire time and even spoke to the parents when I was too ticked off to do so. He volunteers his time to help with our boys basketball team. It's sad to think that so many of these people that I see on a daily basis will be gone and we may keep in touch at first, but as time goes by things will change.
I'm working on my thankful for posting for Thanksgiving. Stay Tuned....
I'm working on my thankful for posting for Thanksgiving. Stay Tuned....
Monday, November 20, 2006
Life comes at you fast. My life is moving very fast. One of my teacher friends is getting married on Saturday. Thanksgiving is Thursday. My brother's wedding is 1 week and 4 days. (I hope that's right. I'm drinking.) Jana's shower is the following week. I am planning to mail all of the invitations while I'm off this week. I feel like I've been thrown into a blender and put on high speed.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Girls Night Out

Well, we decided last Friday to go out again. I managed to take care of my girls and stay out of trouble myself. My "girls" were nice enough to buy me some lip gloss for taking care of them, so I've decided to try to wear lipstick. My lips are always so chapped that I don't wear anything but chapstick. I'll see how long this new and improved look will last. So far, 1 day. But, all my kids noticed and complimented me on it so I told them that I would give it a try. I guess I need to start packing for Nashville. I was a little leary of going since I don't know any of the people going, but one of KT's friends will be there. We're gonna see if we can't meet up one night. And my last pic of two very HOTT teachers! I will now be settling in for the winter and not going out as much. Well, after the bachelorette party this Saturday.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
It's Wednesday!
Just a few things in my life.......
1. I am Aunt Chrissy, finally. No Lucky didn't give birth yet, but her sister did have Eva. She's beautiful. She's tiny. I love her. I actually considered calling in today, just so I could go see her again. Which leads me to a question..How can I love someone so much that I just met? Funny how that happens.
2. I'm starting to realize that my niece Ryan will be here very soon. It is so exciting. I can't wait to see her, hold her, and kiss her. I know she's gonna be itty bitty. I just can't wait to see who she looks like. My bet is that she'll look just like me. j/k But, I'm really excited about her being here.
3. I love that Lucky and her sister are having little girls. No, I really don't want children right now. I know that may be a shocker for those that know me, but I have so much going on and I am so selfish. I'm very thankful that I have more time to do what I want and spend time with my nieces without having to think of any other babies. Remember: I have to find a job next year.
4. Job. hmm... no tenure this year. I'll have 25 months behind me, but the state requires 27 months. Whatever. I'm there for the kids, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.
5. Why does my dog look at his butt when he lets one rip? He looks at it like, "what the hell did you just say?"(yes, that just happened and it was smelly)
6. My cat aka "killer" brought me a bird this morning. Luckily it was already dead. I say luckily since so many are still alive and then I'm running around the house dodging a scared bird and the dog and cat that are trying to eat it.
7. It's a 4-day week. YEAH!!! Veteran's Day Rules! No school on Friday. We have an assembly on Thursday for Veteran's day. After school, I get to go to Collierville for a basketball game. What will I be doing on Friday, you ask??? Rotating my tires and getting my brakes checked. I don't think it's a good thing to have your break light come on everytime you stop for a couple of weeks. Which leads me to...
8. Next week is a 4-day week. YEAH!! Not really. I'm going to Nashville next Thursday evening for the TSTA (Tennessee Science Teachers Association) Conference. It'll probably be pretty boring, but I'm hoping to get some shopping in on Saturday before I come home.
9. My friend, Lisa is having her bachelorette party next Saturday. That means that her wedding is the next weekend and then my brother's wedding will be here. CRAZY!
10. I have to go shopping soon. I still need to find shoes and jewelry for my brother's wedding. I found a pretty dress. It's brown and pink lace. Is it bad to spend more on the shoes than the dress? I'm having a mental issue with this one.
11. I VOTED YESTERDAY!!! Go me! That's right, I took the few extra minutes to run to the polls and elect some officials. I must say, I am so glad that I did. I woke up this morning feeling very good about it.
12. I need to blog about last weekend. I went out with the girls on Saturday night. We had a very late night/early morning kind of thing. My friend KT took some great pics. My friend Jess took some incriminating photos of me asleep in a bar at 4:30 AM. Yes, I got home around 6 AM. Wow!
13. I love my brother A LOT! I was so tired on Monday evening, but he called and I dropped everything and went to Collierville to help him. I really hope that everything goes well for him. If anyone tries to screw with him, they will need help. I will totally go physco on their ass! And 13 is actually his "lucky" number. His b-day is 9/13.
tha's all for now.
1. I am Aunt Chrissy, finally. No Lucky didn't give birth yet, but her sister did have Eva. She's beautiful. She's tiny. I love her. I actually considered calling in today, just so I could go see her again. Which leads me to a question..How can I love someone so much that I just met? Funny how that happens.
2. I'm starting to realize that my niece Ryan will be here very soon. It is so exciting. I can't wait to see her, hold her, and kiss her. I know she's gonna be itty bitty. I just can't wait to see who she looks like. My bet is that she'll look just like me. j/k But, I'm really excited about her being here.
3. I love that Lucky and her sister are having little girls. No, I really don't want children right now. I know that may be a shocker for those that know me, but I have so much going on and I am so selfish. I'm very thankful that I have more time to do what I want and spend time with my nieces without having to think of any other babies. Remember: I have to find a job next year.
4. Job. hmm... no tenure this year. I'll have 25 months behind me, but the state requires 27 months. Whatever. I'm there for the kids, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.
5. Why does my dog look at his butt when he lets one rip? He looks at it like, "what the hell did you just say?"(yes, that just happened and it was smelly)
6. My cat aka "killer" brought me a bird this morning. Luckily it was already dead. I say luckily since so many are still alive and then I'm running around the house dodging a scared bird and the dog and cat that are trying to eat it.
7. It's a 4-day week. YEAH!!! Veteran's Day Rules! No school on Friday. We have an assembly on Thursday for Veteran's day. After school, I get to go to Collierville for a basketball game. What will I be doing on Friday, you ask??? Rotating my tires and getting my brakes checked. I don't think it's a good thing to have your break light come on everytime you stop for a couple of weeks. Which leads me to...
8. Next week is a 4-day week. YEAH!! Not really. I'm going to Nashville next Thursday evening for the TSTA (Tennessee Science Teachers Association) Conference. It'll probably be pretty boring, but I'm hoping to get some shopping in on Saturday before I come home.
9. My friend, Lisa is having her bachelorette party next Saturday. That means that her wedding is the next weekend and then my brother's wedding will be here. CRAZY!
10. I have to go shopping soon. I still need to find shoes and jewelry for my brother's wedding. I found a pretty dress. It's brown and pink lace. Is it bad to spend more on the shoes than the dress? I'm having a mental issue with this one.
11. I VOTED YESTERDAY!!! Go me! That's right, I took the few extra minutes to run to the polls and elect some officials. I must say, I am so glad that I did. I woke up this morning feeling very good about it.
12. I need to blog about last weekend. I went out with the girls on Saturday night. We had a very late night/early morning kind of thing. My friend KT took some great pics. My friend Jess took some incriminating photos of me asleep in a bar at 4:30 AM. Yes, I got home around 6 AM. Wow!
13. I love my brother A LOT! I was so tired on Monday evening, but he called and I dropped everything and went to Collierville to help him. I really hope that everything goes well for him. If anyone tries to screw with him, they will need help. I will totally go physco on their ass! And 13 is actually his "lucky" number. His b-day is 9/13.
tha's all for now.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Wild Child
I don't understand how some of my students think that their behavior is okay. I know they weren't taught manners at home and that is the main problem. Everyday, I have duty in the bus lane. I walk the bus riders out monitor students while they go to their bus. Everyday, we have students that play and wander instead of getting on the bus. Well, today, I had one student shock the hell out of me. I know it won't sound as strange in writing as compared to being there. I'm standing beside my teammate talking and cutting up, when all of a sudden I see F running at me. Yes, at me... kind of like a bull charging. He proceeds to jump AND wrap his ARMS AND LEGS around my body. He is then hanging on me and I am just too stunned for words. My teammate begins to yell at him. I'm just trying to figure out what to do. I didn't want to drop him and hurt him, but I sure as hell didn't want to hold him and encourage the behavior. He finally got down and went to his bus. I'm still in shock. Can you believe that a 6th grade boy just ran and jumped on me? Wow! This is also the second day in a row that someone has pulled the fire alarm when busses were being dismissed. All I can say is that there is never a dull moment. : )
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Music and Dinners
I'm not very trendy and really don't listen to a lot of new music. (unless it's country) I am usually the last one to figure out what a song is or who sings it. Tonight I went my friend Chele to Super Suppers. (more to come) We were in her minivan chatting and catching up, when an oldy but goody came on. Unchained Melody! I love that song. It was one of my favorites even before Ghost with Patrick Swayze. So I started thinking...what are some of my favorite songs? Most are slow and sappy. I guess I'm just a sucker for a love song. My other fav is Wonderful Tonight. I had a third, but because I'm trying to remember it, I can't. I also love old movies. I have Casablanca on dvd and I want to get White Christmas. I know, I'm odd.
Wow! Super Suppers. What a place?!?!!? It was so cool. You go in, follow the directions that are posted at each station and leave with great meals. They have everything set up perfectly. Your food containers are sitting on shelves with labels and bags. All of the ingredients are in coolers perfectly chopped with measuring cups waiting for you to mix the ingredients. You just put it all together and pop it in your freezer at home. The BEST thing about it (besides no prep) is that You don't CLEAN UP the mess you make. Whatever you used to mix or measure, you just leave it sitting there and it magically diappears. Awesome! I think I will try this place again.
Wow! Super Suppers. What a place?!?!!? It was so cool. You go in, follow the directions that are posted at each station and leave with great meals. They have everything set up perfectly. Your food containers are sitting on shelves with labels and bags. All of the ingredients are in coolers perfectly chopped with measuring cups waiting for you to mix the ingredients. You just put it all together and pop it in your freezer at home. The BEST thing about it (besides no prep) is that You don't CLEAN UP the mess you make. Whatever you used to mix or measure, you just leave it sitting there and it magically diappears. Awesome! I think I will try this place again.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Random Thoughts
It will probably be freezing next Saturday, since I'm going to an outdoor Halloween party. We're going as Pebbles and Bambam. Speaking of next Saturday...I am going to be one busy girl. I'm participating in Race for the Cure. Go Team Teach!! Then, I have a wedding shower to go to at my aunt's house and finally the party.
I'm frustrated. I weighed myself this morning and I was 107 pounds. I haven't felt great lately and I guess I'm getting the effects now.
Have I told you how cute my bestfriend is? Lucky is so adorable. Baby Girl is finally starting to make her belly stick out a little more. Time is flying by. I'm throwing her babyshower in December.
I'm not looking forward to starting all over again next school year. New teachers, new administration, new rules...
Our first basketball game is Thursday, so I will be busy almost every Monday and Thursday until Christmas. Hubby's running the clock at our home games. Hope this wins me brownie points with admin.
I'm getting a flu shot tomorrow....I think my second Hep B shot is the same day that I leave to go to Nashville. hmmm.....might need a sub twice in one day...
I finally got an estimate to fix my engagement ring.....$175.00. I guess I need to shop around. My solitaire is loose. It needs to be polished. The split on back needs to be mended. I got an estimate on my wedding band....$60 to tighten 2 stones and polish it. That man was very proud of his work. I'm checking with another jeweler this week.
I'm bored and trying to entertain myself, but I think I am just boring anyone that was nice enough to read this far.
Have a great week!!
I'm frustrated. I weighed myself this morning and I was 107 pounds. I haven't felt great lately and I guess I'm getting the effects now.
Have I told you how cute my bestfriend is? Lucky is so adorable. Baby Girl is finally starting to make her belly stick out a little more. Time is flying by. I'm throwing her babyshower in December.
I'm not looking forward to starting all over again next school year. New teachers, new administration, new rules...
Our first basketball game is Thursday, so I will be busy almost every Monday and Thursday until Christmas. Hubby's running the clock at our home games. Hope this wins me brownie points with admin.
I'm getting a flu shot tomorrow....I think my second Hep B shot is the same day that I leave to go to Nashville. hmmm.....might need a sub twice in one day...
I finally got an estimate to fix my engagement ring.....$175.00. I guess I need to shop around. My solitaire is loose. It needs to be polished. The split on back needs to be mended. I got an estimate on my wedding band....$60 to tighten 2 stones and polish it. That man was very proud of his work. I'm checking with another jeweler this week.
I'm bored and trying to entertain myself, but I think I am just boring anyone that was nice enough to read this far.
Have a great week!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I can't believe it's only Tuesday. For some reason it feels more like Thursday. I guess coming back from Fall Break and getting back into the swing of things has me all confused on my days. Don't faint, but I actually went to the gym today. Can you believe it? They even made a crack about me showing up after all this time. I ran on the eliptical for 20 minutes. Yep, that's right, I made it 20 minutes plus a 5 minute cool down. That is amazing for me. After about 5 minutes, my thighs started to burn so I had to really focus to make my goal. (i was probably only lightly jogging b/c i only made it like 1.8 miles.) I need to do something to relieve stress and the gym seemed like the best idea to start. I drink enough and I don't want to start smoking again. This week back hasn't been stressful yet. It's actually been one of my best weeks at school. (knock on wood) We do have a faculty meeting tomorrow that I assume will be long. But, Wednesdays mean going to Granny's for dinner. Yummy! (and i don't have to cook) Back to creating my test for Friday. : )
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I freakin' hate to go shopping
I am so sick of going shopping and coming home with nothing to wear. I went to the mall today to return a pair of pants that my mother-in-law bought me for my birthday. I love them. They just don't fit. length=good, legs=good, waist= way too big... Tried on several pairs. No luck. So I ended up with store credit at Dillards. I left the women's department and headed over to the juniors. I know some of you out there will say that you want to wear those clothes, but come on. I am twenty-seven years old. I do not need to dress like that. Well, I gave up looking for pants and started looking for dresses. Most everything out right now is black or red. Should I wear black to my brother's wedding? I can't wear red b/c then I would blend in the with the bridesmaid. No luck on dresses. Leave the mall. hmmm.....maybe Old Navy will have some pants that I can wear. Grab four pair of pants two of the a size 2 and two a size 4. The size 2's fit okay in the waist, but are tight on my legs. If I washed them once, they wouldn't fit again. The size 4's I can take off without unbuttoning them. fuck, shit, damn, and all the other words I can't think of right now. Why? Why? Why are clothes sized so differently? I do not have huge legs. I don't run all the time. I don't have fat legs either. If anything is big it's got to be my hips. They sure have spread a lot in the past few years. I am so frustrated!!! And the mall is so crowded with people. Besides pants and a dress, I need a new bra. So, I went to the section in Macy's where the kids section and bras seem to blend together. (never thought about it, but that's kind of weird.) Back to bra searching, at least these are sized about the same. I've just picked up a bra and I hear my name being called...It was my old friend, Blair. We used to work together at Peabody. I even went on his bachelor party in Boston. (no, i was not the stripper. But, i'm sure i did provide some entertainment. ha!) I turn around(bra in hand) and I am face to face with him, his wife, and his son. Face immeadiately turns beet red. I'm not that shy, but I want to choose who I show my bra to. Plus, I had kind of not returned this guy's phone call in quite awhile. We hug, chat, and split. Put bra back, something about them all seeing me with it made me not want it. So to cheer myself up, I went on a mission for Jana's baby shower. It's not until December, but I'm trying to prepare. Enough of my bitching...
Warning: Just in case anyone was thinking of leaving me a "oh, i wish i had that problem." or "you're so lucky to have this problem." kinda comment. You better be quick and duck b/c I'm coming through your computer to punch the shit out of you.
My day will come and I won't stay this thin forever. I don't have children to help me put the pounds on. I have a condition that doesn't let me absorb all of my food. (you can have it, i'll switch with you) So, please just let bitch.
Warning: Just in case anyone was thinking of leaving me a "oh, i wish i had that problem." or "you're so lucky to have this problem." kinda comment. You better be quick and duck b/c I'm coming through your computer to punch the shit out of you.
My day will come and I won't stay this thin forever. I don't have children to help me put the pounds on. I have a condition that doesn't let me absorb all of my food. (you can have it, i'll switch with you) So, please just let bitch.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
What to wear?
I need clothes!!! I need some new clothes because most of mine are very old. BUT, what I really need is something for my brother's wedding. The wedding is December 2nd. brrrrrr What should the sister of the groom wear? I don't think I'm supposed to be as dressy as my mom. I just don't know. I need a fun dressy dress for our dinner on Friday night. Mom and I are planning what is traditionally called the rehersal dinner. We want to rename it since rehersal is on Thursday and our party is going to ROCK!! I've taken the day off work to decorate the 19th CC. (the place where I got married) We're gonna have dinner, poker, a coffee bar, a slideshow. All kinds of fun stuff. The best part is that we are not telling the bride or the groom anything that we are doing. My point is that I really need to shop and I hate dressing up in the winter. I stay cold and that's not pretty. I guess it could be worse... I could be Lucky. Poor, Lucky. I've thought about her all day. Remember she doesn't have clothes that fit right now and especially not WARM clothes.
And on a sad fall break is almost over. I have to go back to work on Monday. hrmf (go ahead call me a bitch) lol
And on a sad fall break is almost over. I have to go back to work on Monday. hrmf (go ahead call me a bitch) lol
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Since everyone else is doing it.....
Three people who make me laugh
1) Jason
2) my fellow teachers
3) my students
Three things I hate
1) change
2) irresponsible parents
3) food stuck in my teeth
Three things I do not understand
1) why everything i want costs more than i'm willing to spend
2) why my dog doesn't clean the house while i'm at work
3) some things about my job that i can't mention
Three things I am doing right now
1) blogging
2) watching My Name is Earl
3) trying to figure out where to start cleaning
Three things I want to do before I die
1) have children
2) go back to Mexico
3) help someone else
Three things I am able to do
1) teach children
2) love my husband
3) make a fool of myself
Three words to describe me
1) lazy
2) helpful
3) eager
Three things I cannot do
1) say "no" (except to students)
2) organize my life
3) write across my board in a straight line
Three things I want to learn
1) patience with adults
2) how to sew
3) how to stick to a schedule
Three favorite foods
1) mexican
2) steak
3) pasta
Three beverages I drink regularly
1) coffee
2) coke
3) Coor's Light
Three shows I watched as a kid (i'm going with teenager since i can't remember the others)
1) Beverly Hills 90210
2) Friends
3) The Cosby Show
Three people I tag
1) Those who read
2) but pretend that
3) they don't. : )
Three people who make me laugh
1) Jason
2) my fellow teachers
3) my students
Three things I hate
1) change
2) irresponsible parents
3) food stuck in my teeth
Three things I do not understand
1) why everything i want costs more than i'm willing to spend
2) why my dog doesn't clean the house while i'm at work
3) some things about my job that i can't mention
Three things I am doing right now
1) blogging
2) watching My Name is Earl
3) trying to figure out where to start cleaning
Three things I want to do before I die
1) have children
2) go back to Mexico
3) help someone else
Three things I am able to do
1) teach children
2) love my husband
3) make a fool of myself
Three words to describe me
1) lazy
2) helpful
3) eager
Three things I cannot do
1) say "no" (except to students)
2) organize my life
3) write across my board in a straight line
Three things I want to learn
1) patience with adults
2) how to sew
3) how to stick to a schedule
Three favorite foods
1) mexican
2) steak
3) pasta
Three beverages I drink regularly
1) coffee
2) coke
3) Coor's Light
Three shows I watched as a kid (i'm going with teenager since i can't remember the others)
1) Beverly Hills 90210
2) Friends
3) The Cosby Show
Three people I tag
1) Those who read
2) but pretend that
3) they don't. : )
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Cutie Pie, Honey Bun!!!
This is Brian. Brian is 16 months old. He is the youngest of three great-grandchildren for my Granny. He is my "little" cousins first and only baby. (my little cousin is almost 6ft tall and twenty-three years old) He is the only little one in the family right now. We all smother him with kisses and giggle when he does the most ordinary things.
Isn't he a cutie?!?!?!?!? He weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. when he was born. He's a chunker. I like playing with him because then I don't have to go to the gym. lol Everytime I would get the camera out, he would put his face against it. When the light from the flash started he would back away and that is how I captured this great shot.

We were checking out Granny's puppy dogs. Oh! I could just eat him up. He loves to give hi-fives. It's the first thing he does when you see him. Just thought I would share a cute baby picture. : )

We were checking out Granny's puppy dogs. Oh! I could just eat him up. He loves to give hi-fives. It's the first thing he does when you see him. Just thought I would share a cute baby picture. : )
Monday, October 02, 2006
"The Wedding"
Let me just start by saying that hubby and I waited until 30 days out to buy plane tickets. This resulted in the two of us not sitting together on the plane. Which was fine because I listened to my nano and read a magazine. Two other bridesmaids were on our plane....they were a row in front of me. Oh, joy. (do you sense my excitement) We were lucky and didn't check a bag with the whole liquids issue and national security. That being said, we were picked up and proceeded to ride around the airport while the others waited for their bags. (I am so on top of things. ha!) We were in the truck with my boyfriend and his bridezilla (I like her, don't read too much in to that) she mentions casually, "I'm working on the seating chart and you and hubby CAN'T sit together."
Am I fuckin' crazy??!?!? Is that almost as bad as splitting up the bride and groom on their wedding day? My husband and I are both IN the wedding. We have already shelled out $1200.oo for your wedding, BUT we MAY not eat dinner together b/c it would fuck up the toast. I felt like saying "Kiss my southern ass!" But instead I went with the southern hospitatlity....."Don't worry about that. No big deal. mmm...yeah, head table...uh," (alone in room with are so changing her seating chart)
I'm beginning to realize that I might be a bit of a control freak.
Rehersal - 45 minute drive from hotel. On the road we lost 2 groomsman and 2 bridesmaids.
Dinner - started atleast 45 minutes late.
After dinner, rednecks took over. We filled the sinks with beer and ice and proceeded to drink the night away. (i was in bed before midnight)
D-day: I have completely changed the itenarary for the day. I will no longer be thumbing a ride to bride's mom to drop off and dress just to ride back to hotel and get my hair done. I have a bridesmaid in charge of taking bride to get hair done. My hubby will pick up and drop off after I get my hair done. NO! Other bridesmaid fails duty. Leaves bride with no ride. My hubby rushes in at the last moment and saves the day.
After running late all day.....drinking 2 bottles of champagne.....arive at church. Note in bridal room: "You're Late." Nice. Well, not as late as the bride's father. Ready to go...where's dad? He thought the wedding was 5, not 4. he showed up at 4:45. I kid you not, the wedding was that late. I snuck in and told the grooms side what was going on. (my side) I spoke to the groom's mom and I can't tell you what she said b/c that 5-foot woman threatened my life if I ever repeated it. (yes, i'm scared)
On to dinner and dancing...hubby switched seats with my dinner partner. All good. Dinner=yummy.
After felt like for-ev-er before anything was going to happen. I had drank enough that I really just didn't give a shit. My sex toy asked me to dance so I did. (before the bride and groom..I know, tacky) We were bored!!! Finally, we made it through all the formalities and just partied. We drank a lot. We drank so much that I don't even remember many pictures that were taken of me that night. No, I am not going to post those. They are "that bad". I'm not talking about "ah, shucks, it really is a bad picture". I'm talking "If you send this picture to anyone else, I may boil your pet rabbit in your kitchen.' (j/k. I love animals)
So, I guess what I am trying to say is my boyfriend is married. I wish him the best of luck. It's done and I may need therapy. But, the hotel sex was worth it. Almost every muscle in my body was sore from it on Monday.
Am I fuckin' crazy??!?!? Is that almost as bad as splitting up the bride and groom on their wedding day? My husband and I are both IN the wedding. We have already shelled out $1200.oo for your wedding, BUT we MAY not eat dinner together b/c it would fuck up the toast. I felt like saying "Kiss my southern ass!" But instead I went with the southern hospitatlity....."Don't worry about that. No big deal. mmm...yeah, head table...uh," (alone in room with are so changing her seating chart)
I'm beginning to realize that I might be a bit of a control freak.
Rehersal - 45 minute drive from hotel. On the road we lost 2 groomsman and 2 bridesmaids.
Dinner - started atleast 45 minutes late.
After dinner, rednecks took over. We filled the sinks with beer and ice and proceeded to drink the night away. (i was in bed before midnight)
D-day: I have completely changed the itenarary for the day. I will no longer be thumbing a ride to bride's mom to drop off and dress just to ride back to hotel and get my hair done. I have a bridesmaid in charge of taking bride to get hair done. My hubby will pick up and drop off after I get my hair done. NO! Other bridesmaid fails duty. Leaves bride with no ride. My hubby rushes in at the last moment and saves the day.
After running late all day.....drinking 2 bottles of champagne.....arive at church. Note in bridal room: "You're Late." Nice. Well, not as late as the bride's father. Ready to go...where's dad? He thought the wedding was 5, not 4. he showed up at 4:45. I kid you not, the wedding was that late. I snuck in and told the grooms side what was going on. (my side) I spoke to the groom's mom and I can't tell you what she said b/c that 5-foot woman threatened my life if I ever repeated it. (yes, i'm scared)
On to dinner and dancing...hubby switched seats with my dinner partner. All good. Dinner=yummy.
After felt like for-ev-er before anything was going to happen. I had drank enough that I really just didn't give a shit. My sex toy asked me to dance so I did. (before the bride and groom..I know, tacky) We were bored!!! Finally, we made it through all the formalities and just partied. We drank a lot. We drank so much that I don't even remember many pictures that were taken of me that night. No, I am not going to post those. They are "that bad". I'm not talking about "ah, shucks, it really is a bad picture". I'm talking "If you send this picture to anyone else, I may boil your pet rabbit in your kitchen.' (j/k. I love animals)
So, I guess what I am trying to say is my boyfriend is married. I wish him the best of luck. It's done and I may need therapy. But, the hotel sex was worth it. Almost every muscle in my body was sore from it on Monday.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Pics of what I've done lately

One is from "the wedding" in Detroit. It's very sad that my boyfriend is now married and I do actually have to take his wife's feeling into consideration. (damn those feelings). At least my "sex toy" is still single. The other is Flowers, my sanity in constant insanity. I know it's a great picture of us. We were out drinking for my b-day. I have more coming that are crazy and some I'm not sure I can post. If I get time I'll try to post things that have been going on. Time flies when you .....drink a lot.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
CIty vs. County
Where do I go? The city is devouring my school like a kid with his first piece of candy. Next school year I will no longer be with my beloved faculty, my family away from my family, my mentors and heroes. It's so sad to think about it. I know I have to make the best of this year, because at this point my future is very uncertain. Where will I be working next year? What grade? What subject? All I can think about is how much this changes things in my life. I'm not a person that really likes change. I work very close to home. I don't want a long drive to work. I really want to throw myself in the floor and kick and scream like a two-year old.
: (
: (
Friday, September 08, 2006
I don't know if I can express how excited I was to find out that Lucky was having a girl. I would have been equally excited if it was a boy. I am just so glad that I can now finally call my niece a niece, baby girl, she, her, etc. It seems like only yesterday Lucky called and told me the news. I ran outwith pickles in tow to calm her or just shriek with excitement. While I can barely tell that this life is growing inside her I can't help but think about what is to come. I wonder if our children will go through the same realization that I went through with my mom's best friend's family. "what?!?! we aren't really related? (crying)" I can't wait to welcome her into the world, make her laugh, watch her take her first step, hold mom's hand when she goes off to kindergarten...oh, I could go on and on. But, I will stop before I cry. Most of all, I really want this little girl to know how loved she is and how many of us are waiting to be a part of her life.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Go Vols!
Let me just say...what a great start! It was a lot more pleasant around my house this weekend than I thought it would be. So pleasant that we went out to celebrate and didn't get home until about 5 AM. Yep, that's true. I am entirely toooooo old to go out and party like that. Where do you go 'til 4:30 in the morning? We started with dinner at El Patron. (my absolute fav-o-rite mexican restaurant) I had a few Tecates with my very yummy dinner. Then we went to Fox and the Hound to play pool. The boys played a little bit of pool, but I think they were way too drunk to care what they did. We spent most of the time talking to my boyfriend about his upcoming marriage. I'm scared. He has cold feet and I really just want him to be happy. I don't care if it is with her or without. Just happy. I think if he has concerns he needs to think long and hard about all of this. We stayed there until about 1 in the morning. Then we decided we need to go wake up our boy, I'll just call him Multi-ball. (not what you are thinking! it actually is from his golf game) Remember it is ONE'o'clock in the morning. He lives alone thank goodness. We banged on his door, no answer. We called his house, no answer. The dog was barking and the cat was running, no answer. Finally, my drunk friend Nurse Betty set off his truck alarm when she fell on top of it. He came flying to the door. It was like a freakin' movie. We all ambushed the place. There was 6 of us and we took over. We drank his beer, played with the animals, you name it. We convinced him to get up and go to The Pony with us. The Pony has $5 pitchers of beer. We spent $14 just to get in the damn place. We did have a good time after all was said and done. I felt like I was going to fall asleep on the way home and I did as soon as my sweet head hit the pillow. I woke up at 7:20 AM to the sound of my mother-in-law picking up my husband to play golf. I sure am glad I didn't have to get up for any reason, so I rolled back over and got up around one in the afternoon. We did nothing the rest of the day on Sunday. No-thing~I am too old to shit like this. I do have some thoughts on strippers that I will try to get to later. For now, I need to finish my paperwork for my eval on Thursday. Wish me luck! It's my last year of evals for a while.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
That's it, period.
Standing outside my class door..watching students go to their lockers...tired at the end of the day...a girl that appears to have a rat's nest on top of her head approaches me...
Mrs. G.
um, at the end of every month...i'm going to be having my period.
Oh, um..well, just let me know if you...need to the restroom
(skipping away and smiling broadly) ok, thanks.
I know her appearance had nothing to do with the story, but let me just say
DO YOU LOOK AT YOUR CHILD BEFORE YOU ALLOW THEM TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC?? please notice i didn't use the word ask. i have a daily reminder of the fact that you don't.
You would not believe the children that come to school and look like a homeless rag doll... nappy hair, stained clothes, revealing clothes..I know that not all children have the best home life, but I've met some of these parents. I teach 11/12-year olds not the 3 year olds that are just finding their independence and want to dress themselves. (You know like on the McDonald's commercial with the little girl wearing the big hat and feather boa. that's cute. or silly shoes or a halloween shirt in the middle of February. i understand that.)
Also, note to may bathe your children now, but please hug them when they get in middle school so that you will know for sure whether or not they learned to bathe themselves. No one wants to sit beside or work in a group with your stinky child. He/she will become an outcast. They will be teased. The teacher will even want to avoid them. (key word: want) It is very difficult to get on to a student when you understand why they won't work with them.
Please tell them that you love them....I don't need to be the only one that they hear it from. Yes, I tell every class EVERY day that no matter what they do, I will still love them all because they are my children. Do you know how difficult that is? All I can say is....3 day weekend!
Shhhh! I secretly love my job. Don't tell.
Mrs. G.
um, at the end of every month...i'm going to be having my period.
Oh, um..well, just let me know if you...need to the restroom
(skipping away and smiling broadly) ok, thanks.
I know her appearance had nothing to do with the story, but let me just say
DO YOU LOOK AT YOUR CHILD BEFORE YOU ALLOW THEM TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC?? please notice i didn't use the word ask. i have a daily reminder of the fact that you don't.
You would not believe the children that come to school and look like a homeless rag doll... nappy hair, stained clothes, revealing clothes..I know that not all children have the best home life, but I've met some of these parents. I teach 11/12-year olds not the 3 year olds that are just finding their independence and want to dress themselves. (You know like on the McDonald's commercial with the little girl wearing the big hat and feather boa. that's cute. or silly shoes or a halloween shirt in the middle of February. i understand that.)
Also, note to may bathe your children now, but please hug them when they get in middle school so that you will know for sure whether or not they learned to bathe themselves. No one wants to sit beside or work in a group with your stinky child. He/she will become an outcast. They will be teased. The teacher will even want to avoid them. (key word: want) It is very difficult to get on to a student when you understand why they won't work with them.
Please tell them that you love them....I don't need to be the only one that they hear it from. Yes, I tell every class EVERY day that no matter what they do, I will still love them all because they are my children. Do you know how difficult that is? All I can say is....3 day weekend!
Shhhh! I secretly love my job. Don't tell.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Memphis Mom
My baby left Memphis today. I know that she is safe and happy with her parents, but I sure do miss her already. My "baby" is actually Jason's cousin. Her name is Brenna and she will be three on Halloween. I earned the nickname "Memphis Mom" when Brenna was about 2 months old. I picked her up and then never put her down. When she would get upset, her parents would come find me to calm her down. She is so beautiful and intelligent. I wish I had taken my camera with me so that I could post a picture of her. She is so talkative and inquisitive. We shared french fries on Saturday night and she kept saying, "We share because we're friends." Soooo sweet. Oh, I could just eat her up. I miss her already. We read books, played games, and took care of new baby, her baby doll. I asked what the doll's name was and she said, "New Baby." Ah, to be young again.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
What a week!
Well, we have our new teacher in 6th grade. We also have a student teacher that suprise, suprise I know! (You probably know, too.) I knew the last student teacher that was at our school from a bowling league years ago. This student teacher graduated high school wtih me, Ms. Busby. It's funny how small this town can be. But on to why this has been one hell of a week.....
a kid urinated in my classroom yesterday
a kid kept playing/adjusting himself in my class yesterday
a kid puked in the hall today
I had 2 weeks worth of lesson plans due today.
I received my bridesmaid dress yesterday. My boobs are too little and I have to have it altered. (that's nothing new)
My subfolder is due tomorrow.
I am science chair and have 2 new this week science teachers to get caught up.
I am fighting off being sick.
I have an evaluation meeting next Tuesday morning, so I am starting to get nervous.
I have a mosquito bite under my armpit, so I look like a monkey scratching.
I already need a break. One more week and we get the day off for Labor Day. : )
I think that is enough for now. I have work to do.
a kid urinated in my classroom yesterday
a kid kept playing/adjusting himself in my class yesterday
a kid puked in the hall today
I had 2 weeks worth of lesson plans due today.
I received my bridesmaid dress yesterday. My boobs are too little and I have to have it altered. (that's nothing new)
My subfolder is due tomorrow.
I am science chair and have 2 new this week science teachers to get caught up.
I am fighting off being sick.
I have an evaluation meeting next Tuesday morning, so I am starting to get nervous.
I have a mosquito bite under my armpit, so I look like a monkey scratching.
I already need a break. One more week and we get the day off for Labor Day. : )
I think that is enough for now. I have work to do.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
So, I'm teaching one Math class starting Monday. : ) I'm excited, but really feel like I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I've never taught math. I haven't even watched anyone teach math in a very long time. We are a bit crowded at school and we've gained a new teacher. She's taking Social Studies from me. Thanks goodness! I will be teaching 2 science classes and 1 math everyday. I guess I'll be completing my math homework on Sunday. Ha! Not too much new here. Just busy teaching, planning, cleaning, & living. I have some great names in my classes this year. I would love to share with you all, but for fear that someone would see I'll have to wait.
This morning I was still in bed when Jason got up to go to football practice. (he had to be there at 9) The dog gets really excited and jumps all over the bed when Jason comes in to kiss me good-bye. He usually flops on me or licks me. I don't know what he did this morning, but my dog jumped on my neck and my chest. I have 4 claw marks that start half way up my neck and go down to my boob! It hurt. I guess I need to clip his nails. The worst part is that when my husband came back home and saw them he laughed and said "good luck explaining that at work." I've been informed that they look like "sex" marks. Turtleneck in August?
This morning I was still in bed when Jason got up to go to football practice. (he had to be there at 9) The dog gets really excited and jumps all over the bed when Jason comes in to kiss me good-bye. He usually flops on me or licks me. I don't know what he did this morning, but my dog jumped on my neck and my chest. I have 4 claw marks that start half way up my neck and go down to my boob! It hurt. I guess I need to clip his nails. The worst part is that when my husband came back home and saw them he laughed and said "good luck explaining that at work." I've been informed that they look like "sex" marks. Turtleneck in August?
Friday, August 04, 2006
More Destin Pics

I just wanted to show some more pics from Destin. I'll try to type out the ball hunting story later. I'm going to try to coordinate it with Lucky since she has the pics of the big bush. I'll tell you, after spending a week with two dirty minded boys....well,at least they helped prepare me for going back to school. hehehe
School starts Monday. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Destin pictures

On the left, you have loving couple that have just celebrated their 2nd anniversary.
Next, is a young teacher relaxing before going back to the books.
I just don't know what to say about this last one.....
1) a great- looking couple taking a picture of themselves and two crazy people that just escaped off an island.
2) Two random tourists that get their kicks from ruining other people's pictures.
3) My bestfriend and her husband, well, just
being themselves.
We had a great time. One of us will post more pictures soon and stories of ball hunting. Lucky has the bush shot, so maybe I'll let her tell that story.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Sex on the Beach
This time tomorrow I will be looking at the ocean. I may even have a sex on the beach to drink. (You all thought I was going to say something dirty!) I hate packing. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I never know what to take. I usually don't wear half of what I take, but I might need it. We are leaving for the beach at 6 AM tomorrow. Did you get that? SIX O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. My hubby is very excited and would leave Friday night if we could get into the condo. He wanted to leave at 5:30, but I told him to go easy on the pregnant lady (Lucky) and give her until 6. : ) I am not a morning person and will probably go back to sleep in the truck. I should be packing, cleaning, and running errands. But for some reason I am so drawn to this little laptop that I just can't bring myself to get up and walk away. When I walk away it's starts to show the pictures from my New York trip. It knows how much I love New York and how it can keep me entertained with those pictures and memories.
Our anniversary is Monday! We are going to go out to dinner (compliments of my f-i-l, thanks dad!). Before our wedding I had a lingerie shower. I almost canceled it because my brother was in the hospital from his motorcycle wreck, but decided we needed the distraction. After the shower, I hid all the "outfits" in my closet so that Jason wouldn't see them before the honeymoon. Guess what! I forgot one. I found it the other day. I'm so excited b/c now I have something for our 2nd anniversary. And it was free. I promise I will stay in our bedroom, Lucky. I won't strut out and show you and your baby's daddy. - lol
Anyway, off to Florida we toFlorida we go...hi ho the dillio... off to Florida we go!
Yes, I know I have officially lost my mind. I keep telling Lucky that I must be giving all of my intelligence to dos(aka her baby) b/c I don't have any left.
Our anniversary is Monday! We are going to go out to dinner (compliments of my f-i-l, thanks dad!). Before our wedding I had a lingerie shower. I almost canceled it because my brother was in the hospital from his motorcycle wreck, but decided we needed the distraction. After the shower, I hid all the "outfits" in my closet so that Jason wouldn't see them before the honeymoon. Guess what! I forgot one. I found it the other day. I'm so excited b/c now I have something for our 2nd anniversary. And it was free. I promise I will stay in our bedroom, Lucky. I won't strut out and show you and your baby's daddy. - lol
Anyway, off to Florida we toFlorida we go...hi ho the dillio... off to Florida we go!
Yes, I know I have officially lost my mind. I keep telling Lucky that I must be giving all of my intelligence to dos(aka her baby) b/c I don't have any left.
Monday, July 17, 2006
lalalalalalalalala...good things
I woke up this morning about an hour after I wanted to get up. I am trying to start getting up early and getting somethings done since school is right around the corner. Well, I was tired and couldn't budge. I finally rolled out of bed around 8:30. I decided that I needed some stress therapy and since so many of my friends and co-workers have tried one particular thing, I would too. I am a dumbass. I went running at 8:30 in the morning. I am not a runner. I am trying to build up so I can run with my cheer girls when school starts back. AND I can not have them out doing me. But, while I was running (running in between the walking) I started thinking. I can do this. I can handle teaching the 5th grade students. I'm going to sit down and do lesson plans tonight. I can just break them all down in the beginning and then we can build together. I'll just make one cry the first day or maybe one a day to shown them who's boss. I am totally kidding about the crying part. They do that all on their own. I came home from running (walking) and had TWO messages from my principal. Not one, but TWO. hmmm....I'm very curious. I thought it was going to be about the presentation that I have to give on Thursday to my entire faculty. No! I was wrong. I was moved back to 6th grade!!!! I am the happiest woman alive. I now feel like I can run 100 miles. (Don't worry, I won't even try.) I wanted to stay where I was so that I could use all my things from last year. And I am on a team with my bestest school friend. Could things get better??? YES! She teaches Enriched and I will have an Enriched class. So, I am not cooking dinner tonight. We will be going out to El Patron (the best Mexican restaurant here in Bartlett) and I will have a big margarita or maybe a beer. But now I am going to concentrate on going to Florida. We leave Saturday!!!! Lucky and her husband are coming with us. : )
Monday, July 03, 2006
I never go to the movies. Usually, just don't have time or there's nothing out that I want to spend so much money on. This weekend I went to not one, but two good movies.
My husband and I went to see "Cars." It was a great movie. Funny and entertaining.I love the tractor tipping. The problem is that it was 2 hours long. I don't know how children would sit still for this entire movie. Actually, I know that they don't. We went to a late movie and the little boy behind us had to start running up and down the stairs because he couldn't sit any long. It was very cute. The movie kept me laughing and if you go, make sure you stay until the very end of the credits for that last laugh.
Lucky and I went to see "The Devil Wears Prada." Meryl Streep did an awesome job. She was snooty, bitchy, and just damn powerful. The movie was good. It was entertaining and real. The storyline could really happen to any of us. (not the whole fashion industry angle, but the getting caught up in our job trying to get where we want to be) We also loved seeing NYC in the background because it reminded us of our trip. I would jump on a plane now and go.
Overall, I would go watch Cars again. I liked T.D.W.P, but I will wait until it comes out on video to watch again.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Okay, so I went to dinner tonight with my husband tonight. We went to a local bar and when I walked up I saw the hottest, little sex kitten...... What's up, girl? It was great to see you last night. I hope you had a wonderful evening.
While at dinner, I started grilling my husband about things that are weird about me for the Meme challenge. We came up with a few or several things about me. I'll number six for the Meme and then just list the rest.
1. When I cut my husband's hair, I have to cut it from left to right. He shaves his head with a pair of clippers and all I do is clean him up. But, I HAVE to start over his left ear, then his neck, and last his right ear. I've tried breaking the routine and I just freak out.
2. I act like a complete fool in front of children. I sing, dance, whatever it takes for them to remember the concept and learn. That being said, I get extremely nervous to speak in front of adults. My heart pounds, I get red, and I can hardly get a word out.
3. I am much more protective over my brother than I am my husband on so many points. That being said, I don't freak when my brother does a dare-devil move, but I won't let my husband so much as handle a chainsaw without me freaking out.
4. I was never a cheerleader. I never wanted to be a cheerleader. I am very uncoordinated. I never really even liked cheerleaders. (certain friends excluded, lol) I am the cheer sponsor at school. I yell at girls for not having a tight high-v. A year ago, I wouldn't have had a clue as to what a high-v was.
5. I make my husband pull out his debit card to pay dinner, groceries, shopping, whatever and then I insist on signing the bill. He actually prefers to let me sign for things, but I'm starting to see where I can be a control freak.
6. I (me & lucky) hide our blogs from one of my really close friends. We don't talk about her, we just don't want to be that close anymore. She does a really trashy boy and I don't know how to make her see that she could do so much better.
no more numbering - If I cook raw meat, whether it be chicken or something, I can't always eat it. I make an effort to be clean when I am away from home, but my house is always messy. I'm married, but I have a boyfriend. (that is really just a joke between myself and my husband's best friend.) I can think of a few other things, but I would only be comfortable telling one small circle.
While at dinner, I started grilling my husband about things that are weird about me for the Meme challenge. We came up with a few or several things about me. I'll number six for the Meme and then just list the rest.
1. When I cut my husband's hair, I have to cut it from left to right. He shaves his head with a pair of clippers and all I do is clean him up. But, I HAVE to start over his left ear, then his neck, and last his right ear. I've tried breaking the routine and I just freak out.
2. I act like a complete fool in front of children. I sing, dance, whatever it takes for them to remember the concept and learn. That being said, I get extremely nervous to speak in front of adults. My heart pounds, I get red, and I can hardly get a word out.
3. I am much more protective over my brother than I am my husband on so many points. That being said, I don't freak when my brother does a dare-devil move, but I won't let my husband so much as handle a chainsaw without me freaking out.
4. I was never a cheerleader. I never wanted to be a cheerleader. I am very uncoordinated. I never really even liked cheerleaders. (certain friends excluded, lol) I am the cheer sponsor at school. I yell at girls for not having a tight high-v. A year ago, I wouldn't have had a clue as to what a high-v was.
5. I make my husband pull out his debit card to pay dinner, groceries, shopping, whatever and then I insist on signing the bill. He actually prefers to let me sign for things, but I'm starting to see where I can be a control freak.
6. I (me & lucky) hide our blogs from one of my really close friends. We don't talk about her, we just don't want to be that close anymore. She does a really trashy boy and I don't know how to make her see that she could do so much better.
no more numbering - If I cook raw meat, whether it be chicken or something, I can't always eat it. I make an effort to be clean when I am away from home, but my house is always messy. I'm married, but I have a boyfriend. (that is really just a joke between myself and my husband's best friend.) I can think of a few other things, but I would only be comfortable telling one small circle.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I completely forgot about the moonshine we drank Friday night while camping. I don't know how I left this out of my original camping post. Here goes....
Sitting around a glowing fire are myself, my husband, and our camping buddies. We are enjoying good company, cold beer, and then...this woman comes crashing into our campsite. She is carrying a bottle and a shot glass. I would say that there is something unusual about this, but at Many Islands people randomly stop by for a visit. So, this woman that is wearing a dress, maybe a bathing suit cover up, big hat on her head and is not walking straight. Being from the South, she came by to share her wine. She said that her brother-in-law makes wine and it is really good. In the back of my mind I am thinking what kind of wine do you drink as a shot??? I know port wine is served in very small glasses, but not shot glasses. One of my friends took a glass and didn't make any funny faces. She actually said, "oooh, that's good." I figured worst-case scenario I could be like the girls in "Coyote Ugly" that spit there drinks back into their beers. Let me just say, I do NOT do shots. I tend to gag. I take a sip, not bad. It was very sweet, a little thick, and almost tasted like a raisin with a slight burn on the back of your throat. The Shinelady told us that it was plum wine, so I could tell where it got the raisin taste. My only problem is I don't like raisins. oh, wait and I don't do shots. I managed to get the drink down in a very slow and only slightly painful process. we thanked her and she left.
About 20 minutes later.....
I'm starting to feel a buzz. I look over at our neighbors because they are getting a little loud. Shinelady was dancing around the fire in her bathing suit. She is not a woman that I care about seeing in a bathing suit. While it was funny and I felt a little embarassed for her... I could totaly see myself dancing around a fire like in "YaYa Sisterhood" whatever the movie is called. I just wouldn't do it at the campground. I would want to be out of the public eye and I would have to learn the chant, and have a cool hat to wear. Anyway, I have strayed from the shine story. Shinelady comes back again and insists on giving everyone a shot/drink. So I pulled out cups and we all did it. It was the peer pressure. We were drunk and it took us to the finish line. The story behind Shinelady is that she was celebrating her first wedding anniversary. She was with her now husband for 12 years before they got married. (and I thought I waited too long) She kept repeating over and over how she thought the top layer of her wedding cake was going to be green since it had been in the freezer for a year. We tried to explain it to her, but she just didn't get it.
Next morning...
I am cooking breakfast and the men (with no teeth) came over from Shinelady's camp to borrow advil. We ask about her and their response was "she is still not feelin' no pain" (it pains me to type that) Shinelady woke up right after that and came over to show us her cake topper. They had it for breakfast. That is one ritual that Jason and I did not have the opportunity to partake in. (neither did lucky, sorry!) Anyway, it made me realize that there is someone out there for everyone. Man with no teeth and Shinelady made a perfect couple.
Has anyone tried moonshine? Yes, she referred to it as wine, but it was shine.
Sitting around a glowing fire are myself, my husband, and our camping buddies. We are enjoying good company, cold beer, and then...this woman comes crashing into our campsite. She is carrying a bottle and a shot glass. I would say that there is something unusual about this, but at Many Islands people randomly stop by for a visit. So, this woman that is wearing a dress, maybe a bathing suit cover up, big hat on her head and is not walking straight. Being from the South, she came by to share her wine. She said that her brother-in-law makes wine and it is really good. In the back of my mind I am thinking what kind of wine do you drink as a shot??? I know port wine is served in very small glasses, but not shot glasses. One of my friends took a glass and didn't make any funny faces. She actually said, "oooh, that's good." I figured worst-case scenario I could be like the girls in "Coyote Ugly" that spit there drinks back into their beers. Let me just say, I do NOT do shots. I tend to gag. I take a sip, not bad. It was very sweet, a little thick, and almost tasted like a raisin with a slight burn on the back of your throat. The Shinelady told us that it was plum wine, so I could tell where it got the raisin taste. My only problem is I don't like raisins. oh, wait and I don't do shots. I managed to get the drink down in a very slow and only slightly painful process. we thanked her and she left.
About 20 minutes later.....
I'm starting to feel a buzz. I look over at our neighbors because they are getting a little loud. Shinelady was dancing around the fire in her bathing suit. She is not a woman that I care about seeing in a bathing suit. While it was funny and I felt a little embarassed for her... I could totaly see myself dancing around a fire like in "YaYa Sisterhood" whatever the movie is called. I just wouldn't do it at the campground. I would want to be out of the public eye and I would have to learn the chant, and have a cool hat to wear. Anyway, I have strayed from the shine story. Shinelady comes back again and insists on giving everyone a shot/drink. So I pulled out cups and we all did it. It was the peer pressure. We were drunk and it took us to the finish line. The story behind Shinelady is that she was celebrating her first wedding anniversary. She was with her now husband for 12 years before they got married. (and I thought I waited too long) She kept repeating over and over how she thought the top layer of her wedding cake was going to be green since it had been in the freezer for a year. We tried to explain it to her, but she just didn't get it.
Next morning...
I am cooking breakfast and the men (with no teeth) came over from Shinelady's camp to borrow advil. We ask about her and their response was "she is still not feelin' no pain" (it pains me to type that) Shinelady woke up right after that and came over to show us her cake topper. They had it for breakfast. That is one ritual that Jason and I did not have the opportunity to partake in. (neither did lucky, sorry!) Anyway, it made me realize that there is someone out there for everyone. Man with no teeth and Shinelady made a perfect couple.
Has anyone tried moonshine? Yes, she referred to it as wine, but it was shine.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Jason and I left Friday afternoon to go our annual camping trip at Spring River. We really should have stayed home because we'd already spent $400 on Molly. She was bit by a snake. I don't know if I can handle having kids, since I was completely freaked out because my cat was sick and I didn't know what was wrong. She would just meow and bear hug me. She still has a swollen area under chin, but it is shrinking and she is killing moles again. On to camping.....
Friday night was a pretty normal night of sitting around the fire, drinking beer, and catching up with friends. We went to bed and I slept like a log. I missed some excitement though. One of my friends sleeping in another tent heard a truck stop outside our camp site. When she got up to investigate there was a KA frat boy looking for our coolers to get more beer! There was a huge amount of KA's at the campground and about 7 had been thrown out before they ever unloaded their trucks. Stupid frat boys. I have a hard time with college age kids. The girls that were with them all got up early Saturday morning to shave and put on make-up before going down the river. I don't understand that. Camping is a weekend of few showers and no make-up.
Saturday we went canoeing. Last year was Jason's first year to ever canoe. We did great last year. This year....I spent more time in the river than out. Our worst tump was my fault. Our friend S had just flipped and made it over to where we were hanging out. The movement of him coming by, moved us, and we were about to hit him in the back of the neck. I was scared that we would decapitate him or something, so I jumped ship. BAD MOVE! I went down Dead Man's Curve on my back and my side. There is nothing but shallow, fast moving current over huge rocks. Jason was behind me, so everytime I would feel a rock slam into my body I yelled, "Rock!" And in about 1 or 2 seconds you would hear Jason yell some four letter word. When I got out of the water, I was very happy to be alive able to stand. I had some boo-boos, like a golf ball on my left knee, a cut about 2 inches long just above my hip that wraps around my side, and scrapes down my back. I was bleeding, but okay. I posed for a few pics. (I'll post those when I get them from my friends.) We got back in the canoe and went on our journey down the river. That is when I found my biggest injury or as Jason calls it, my boomerang. I have a bruise from the bottom of my rose tattoo that curves down to the back of my knee. It looks kinda black today. It was a really pretty blue when I first noticed it. It's raised above the skin, too. So, needless to say We sucked at staying in the boat this year. Fun times.
Friday night was a pretty normal night of sitting around the fire, drinking beer, and catching up with friends. We went to bed and I slept like a log. I missed some excitement though. One of my friends sleeping in another tent heard a truck stop outside our camp site. When she got up to investigate there was a KA frat boy looking for our coolers to get more beer! There was a huge amount of KA's at the campground and about 7 had been thrown out before they ever unloaded their trucks. Stupid frat boys. I have a hard time with college age kids. The girls that were with them all got up early Saturday morning to shave and put on make-up before going down the river. I don't understand that. Camping is a weekend of few showers and no make-up.
Saturday we went canoeing. Last year was Jason's first year to ever canoe. We did great last year. This year....I spent more time in the river than out. Our worst tump was my fault. Our friend S had just flipped and made it over to where we were hanging out. The movement of him coming by, moved us, and we were about to hit him in the back of the neck. I was scared that we would decapitate him or something, so I jumped ship. BAD MOVE! I went down Dead Man's Curve on my back and my side. There is nothing but shallow, fast moving current over huge rocks. Jason was behind me, so everytime I would feel a rock slam into my body I yelled, "Rock!" And in about 1 or 2 seconds you would hear Jason yell some four letter word. When I got out of the water, I was very happy to be alive able to stand. I had some boo-boos, like a golf ball on my left knee, a cut about 2 inches long just above my hip that wraps around my side, and scrapes down my back. I was bleeding, but okay. I posed for a few pics. (I'll post those when I get them from my friends.) We got back in the canoe and went on our journey down the river. That is when I found my biggest injury or as Jason calls it, my boomerang. I have a bruise from the bottom of my rose tattoo that curves down to the back of my knee. It looks kinda black today. It was a really pretty blue when I first noticed it. It's raised above the skin, too. So, needless to say We sucked at staying in the boat this year. Fun times.
Friday, June 16, 2006
15 hours of sleep
Sorry to all of those that don't get to sleep.
I arrived at home on Thursday afternoon around 4pm. I felt like I had been beaten. My muscles are sore. I've had little sleep in a twin size bed that felt like sleeping on the floor. I missed my pillowtop Serta and quiet home. My husband suggested that I should go lay down in bed for a little while. I was out in about 5 minutes! He woke me up and asked if I wanted chick-fil-a for dinner. I remember this, but have no clue as to what time it was. I went right back to sleep, only to be woken up with him bringing me my dinner. I am not complaining, because dinner in bed sounded fabuuuuulous. I really don't remember eating. I know I did, just don't remember. Husband then came back to get my trash and I crashed again. When the alarm went off at 6 this morning, I still didn't want to get up. I barely remembering telling him bye this morning and then I finally dragged my butt out of bed at 8:20 this morning. I feel like a brand new person! But, I am ready to stay in Memphis for a while.
I arrived at home on Thursday afternoon around 4pm. I felt like I had been beaten. My muscles are sore. I've had little sleep in a twin size bed that felt like sleeping on the floor. I missed my pillowtop Serta and quiet home. My husband suggested that I should go lay down in bed for a little while. I was out in about 5 minutes! He woke me up and asked if I wanted chick-fil-a for dinner. I remember this, but have no clue as to what time it was. I went right back to sleep, only to be woken up with him bringing me my dinner. I am not complaining, because dinner in bed sounded fabuuuuulous. I really don't remember eating. I know I did, just don't remember. Husband then came back to get my trash and I crashed again. When the alarm went off at 6 this morning, I still didn't want to get up. I barely remembering telling him bye this morning and then I finally dragged my butt out of bed at 8:20 this morning. I feel like a brand new person! But, I am ready to stay in Memphis for a while.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Just my luck
I'm too pissed to blog. I have the absolute worst luck with my engagement ring. At camp today, it broke. That's right my platinum ring broke. It looks like it split at the place where it was sized. UGGHHHH! I guess I'm just lucky that I have the good husband and a broken ring, instead of a broken husband and a good ring.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
What is happening to this world?
As most of you realize, I am at Cheer Camp at ASU. Fun, fun, fun...Did you know that EVERY squad now gets a spirit stick? WTF? Our girls fought with each other, didn't pay attention, and didn't know part of their routine, but damn't they had spirit.(or so they were told) It's like passing kids along, holding tryouts and letting everyone on the team. We are not allowed to damage their self-esteem. I'll get off that soap box for today. Talking about our girls not paying attention, WHEW! I think they all need ADD medication. We split them into 2 rows for our cheer. 1st row performed while 2nd watched and then vice versa, only 2nd row stopped after the 1st count. They just stood there. Now, you all know that I am not a cheerleader. I have no grace or coordination. I guarantee you if my coach was watching me I would at least keep moving even if it was wrong. At least I would be trying. The 2nd row ran laps while Woody cooled off. I thought she was going to hurt them. Why would they bother coming if they don't want to participate? Frustrating... okay, funny things... Mrs. Woody and I were standing at the camp store looking at merchandise. I decide to buy a shirt. It's really cute; green and says"cheer up". I look up after I rang up and said, "I lost my Woody." I am sure I had a really sad and pathetic look on my face since I wasn't sure which way she went. The man who rang me up just stared at me. I really didn't get it at first. Then I called Lucky to check on her after the doctor's appointment. I was telling my "pet" aka my "daughter" aka Yarber how Lucky was since she is the first person besides my husband that I told. She was really excited and wanted to know how long it would be before they would know the sex of the baby and all the cool details. (not the nasty ones) So a few girls overheard us and then one asked me when I was having a baby at the same time I answered another little girls question. This is what it sounded like:
GIRL: when are you having a baby?
ME: Thursday or Friday
GIRL: You're pregnant! and I don't know!
ME: What are you talking about?
I wasn't even listening to her, but when she told me what she thought I had answered, I was laughing pretty good. Yeah, I think I want a baby so I'll just have one this weekend so I can bring it to school on Monday. Show and Tell at 10.
Turning in for the evening. I think all the girls are tucked in and may actually go to sleep. They are exhausted. Thank goodness. : )
GIRL: when are you having a baby?
ME: Thursday or Friday
GIRL: You're pregnant! and I don't know!
ME: What are you talking about?
I wasn't even listening to her, but when she told me what she thought I had answered, I was laughing pretty good. Yeah, I think I want a baby so I'll just have one this weekend so I can bring it to school on Monday. Show and Tell at 10.
Turning in for the evening. I think all the girls are tucked in and may actually go to sleep. They are exhausted. Thank goodness. : )
Monday, June 12, 2006
"Is your head on its period?"
The title is an actual quote from one of my cheer girls today. Do you see what I am dealing with for a week in AR??? The squad down the hall came to see us. They were being silly. By silly, I mean they were running up and down the hall with a towel draped down their back like superman, a bra over their shirt, and a pair of panties on their head. My girls decided to take pictures of them. I would have too, since it was such a strange sight. However, the girls reaction to such a strange question was priceless. Girls, in middle school.......
It is now 1130! screw grammar...i have been trying to type this damn thing since about 10. we had a girl that kept crying b/c she was homesick. her roommate would come get us, we'd talk her down, try to go to sleep. doors open..we yell...doors close. then a few minutes ago, we heard some loud sounds. one of the girls called the other a name and now she is crying. uhh! okay, apologize and go to bed. check on the next room...door flies open and a cell phone is shoved in my face.."uh..this is Mrs. Gordon."
Phone: "this is A*'s mom, she thinks she just started her cycle for the first time."
ME: as in she has never had a period.
Phone: Yes.
ME: okay, i can handle this (talking out loud to myself)
Phone: Thank you so much.
ME: does she know what it is?
PHone: yes, we have talked about it.
ME: oh, thank goodness. I wasn't sure I was prepared for THAT talk.
So I had to go bother some girls to come up with pads. she sure doesn't know what to do with a tampon. And I only had tampons. At least, now I know why she was crying earlier. do you remember the first time you started your period? I do. I was 10-1/2 to the day. i can't imagine doing it away from home. It was okay at first. Then, I got older and it got worse. It's hard being a woman.
It is now 1130! screw grammar...i have been trying to type this damn thing since about 10. we had a girl that kept crying b/c she was homesick. her roommate would come get us, we'd talk her down, try to go to sleep. doors open..we yell...doors close. then a few minutes ago, we heard some loud sounds. one of the girls called the other a name and now she is crying. uhh! okay, apologize and go to bed. check on the next room...door flies open and a cell phone is shoved in my face.."uh..this is Mrs. Gordon."
Phone: "this is A*'s mom, she thinks she just started her cycle for the first time."
ME: as in she has never had a period.
Phone: Yes.
ME: okay, i can handle this (talking out loud to myself)
Phone: Thank you so much.
ME: does she know what it is?
PHone: yes, we have talked about it.
ME: oh, thank goodness. I wasn't sure I was prepared for THAT talk.
So I had to go bother some girls to come up with pads. she sure doesn't know what to do with a tampon. And I only had tampons. At least, now I know why she was crying earlier. do you remember the first time you started your period? I do. I was 10-1/2 to the day. i can't imagine doing it away from home. It was okay at first. Then, I got older and it got worse. It's hard being a woman.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Home Sweet Home
There is nothing better than coming home to my husband and my bed. I love his strong, protective arms and sweet kisses. I love my bed because it's soft and has a heater. (hubby) I leave again on Monday and don't know if I will have internet access this time.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Night 2 was freakin' hilarious. The older "wild" lady went to dinner with some 25 year-old named Zach. We'll call her D. She didn't eat dinner. She drank dinner. By the time she got back from dinner, we had been kicked out of the pool area. We dragged our hotel room chairs, our drinks, and ourselves all to the "party." Tonight it was around the stairs on the balcony of the hotel. We had new guests at our party. A group of guys from Missouri that are in Martin working on the Super Walmart. D came back from her date and joined us. She could barely stand and was sitting people's laps. Hanging on some of the guys. Then she decided to go get a glass of wine from her room. She really did not need it. We spent the rest of the evening trying to make sure she didn't spill wine on any of us. We had some man that was working on the 911 join us for about 10 minutes. I don't think he could handle us. D almost followed him to his room. We did manage to kicked off the balcony at about 11 or 1130. It was nice sitting outside and just hanging out, even with people you don't know.
Day 3 Slinky, Hair Raising, and Liquid Nitrogen
We discussed waves today, so we got a slinky and demonstrated the different types and pulses. The demonstration that we went back to last night was awesome! We played with electricity and Lisa's hair stood straight out everywhere. I've never dealt with liquid nitrogen. It was sooooooooo cool. Our professor poured liquid nitrogen all over the desk and we watched it evaporate. He put an apple in the nitrogen and then took it out. It was so hard that he used it to hammer a nail into a piece of wood. Then he threw it on the ground and it shattered to pieces. Liquid nitrogen boils when it hits the air. Science is so cool.
We tailgated last night. I was kidding the night before when I said we should, but when we made it back to the hotel after our evening demonstrations the grill was going in the back of Roy's truck. I think we are creating a whole new set of "you might be a redneck if.." or you might be staying in Martin, TN if...
Anyway, Thursday is our last full day!! Woohooo! Friday we have a short demo, awards, and a luncheon. Thank goodness b/c today is Thirsty Thursday. Margaritas tonight!
Day 3 Slinky, Hair Raising, and Liquid Nitrogen
We discussed waves today, so we got a slinky and demonstrated the different types and pulses. The demonstration that we went back to last night was awesome! We played with electricity and Lisa's hair stood straight out everywhere. I've never dealt with liquid nitrogen. It was sooooooooo cool. Our professor poured liquid nitrogen all over the desk and we watched it evaporate. He put an apple in the nitrogen and then took it out. It was so hard that he used it to hammer a nail into a piece of wood. Then he threw it on the ground and it shattered to pieces. Liquid nitrogen boils when it hits the air. Science is so cool.
We tailgated last night. I was kidding the night before when I said we should, but when we made it back to the hotel after our evening demonstrations the grill was going in the back of Roy's truck. I think we are creating a whole new set of "you might be a redneck if.." or you might be staying in Martin, TN if...
Anyway, Thursday is our last full day!! Woohooo! Friday we have a short demo, awards, and a luncheon. Thank goodness b/c today is Thirsty Thursday. Margaritas tonight!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
UTM Day 1 & 2
Well, we have survived 2 days of our Physics class. We are going to get some really cool supplies. Monday we played with some computer hardware that we hooked up to a motion detector. It graphed the position and velocity of the movements. Way cool! But, you do have to be a dork like me to really appreciate these things. Today we got a cart that sits on a track. The track is 120 cm long, so it fits on a lab table. There are so many things that you can do with this. We got a fan to hook to the cart and thrust it forward. Yes, I said thrust. Airplanes use propellers to move or thrust. Fun stuff.
Okay, enough about the class work. Let’s get into the people that are taking this course. You have 2 young, fabulous girls, but I’m sure you can guess who they are. Then we have KIA, aka Know It All. He is a rather large man and has to comment on everything. He keeps turning around and trying to give us the “teacher look.” HELLO! I am a teacher that look does NOT scare me! He also has to interrupt the teacher continuously. We found out that he is military background and is one of those. I love military men, but you know what I am talking about. There are those that bring that forcefulness into their everyday life and think they rank over everyone. KIA was sitting at his lab table and I noticed something a little odd. I don't have boobs, so this does not apply to me. Have you ever heard of the pencil test? If you put a pencil under your boob and it falls out your still perky and if it stays, well, you need more support. I promise you this man had a bright orange UTM pencil stuck under his left breast. I don't think he knew it was there. I think it must have rolled off the table and found a good lodging place in his chest. I wanted to call the Funny line like those commercials that rate how funny something is.
We then have Shelby. She is a hoot. She is about 50 and races BMX. She came down to our room last night and drank with us. We sat out on the balcony of the Days Inn watching the cars go by and before we knew it we had a whole crowd around us. We have a lady that we call Ms. Priss. She thinks that she is better than everyone, but wants to fit in. She freaked out last night when someone told her there were dildos at a fun party. I don't know what she thought a fun party was. My other favorite lady is Beth. She is really nice and funny. Today we went to Buck's Party Mart in Fulton to get more boos. I paid 8.75 for a 12 pack of Coors Light! (that's cheap, Lucky) We went with Diana. She is another older lady that divorced her husband 2 years ago. She is constantly on or telling us stories of the men she meets. She's wild. Not sure how much of her I will be able to handle. not a good wild, but more of an annoying wild.
I am the youngest one in the class, go figure.
TTFN It's time to open the fridge and pull my chair to the balcony. ; )
Okay, enough about the class work. Let’s get into the people that are taking this course. You have 2 young, fabulous girls, but I’m sure you can guess who they are. Then we have KIA, aka Know It All. He is a rather large man and has to comment on everything. He keeps turning around and trying to give us the “teacher look.” HELLO! I am a teacher that look does NOT scare me! He also has to interrupt the teacher continuously. We found out that he is military background and is one of those. I love military men, but you know what I am talking about. There are those that bring that forcefulness into their everyday life and think they rank over everyone. KIA was sitting at his lab table and I noticed something a little odd. I don't have boobs, so this does not apply to me. Have you ever heard of the pencil test? If you put a pencil under your boob and it falls out your still perky and if it stays, well, you need more support. I promise you this man had a bright orange UTM pencil stuck under his left breast. I don't think he knew it was there. I think it must have rolled off the table and found a good lodging place in his chest. I wanted to call the Funny line like those commercials that rate how funny something is.
We then have Shelby. She is a hoot. She is about 50 and races BMX. She came down to our room last night and drank with us. We sat out on the balcony of the Days Inn watching the cars go by and before we knew it we had a whole crowd around us. We have a lady that we call Ms. Priss. She thinks that she is better than everyone, but wants to fit in. She freaked out last night when someone told her there were dildos at a fun party. I don't know what she thought a fun party was. My other favorite lady is Beth. She is really nice and funny. Today we went to Buck's Party Mart in Fulton to get more boos. I paid 8.75 for a 12 pack of Coors Light! (that's cheap, Lucky) We went with Diana. She is another older lady that divorced her husband 2 years ago. She is constantly on or telling us stories of the men she meets. She's wild. Not sure how much of her I will be able to handle. not a good wild, but more of an annoying wild.
I am the youngest one in the class, go figure.
TTFN It's time to open the fridge and pull my chair to the balcony. ; )
Sunday, June 04, 2006
UTM Day -1
Okay, so I made it Martin. We didn't even get lost with the horrible directions that the hotel gave us. My phone doesn't work. I have a full signal, but it says emergency calls only! WTF. Oh, well. At dinner we sat next to a man who lowered his head so far that he almost ate off his plate instead of using a fork. (imagine a vulture hovering over its prey) He was very creepy, strange, and country. When this man speaks to you, you really can't tell if he is talking to you or the person next to you. So dinner came, it was an okay meal. Not the best, but certainly not the worst. Then our instructor for the week started handing out information. We are going to be in class from 8-5 Monday thru Thursday!!! Good gracious. We thought, maybe, 8-3. We are going to be doing activities all day long, we get an hour break for lunch. Our meals are free in the university cafeteria. hmm, sounds yummy. On Friday, we should be out of here by 2, which puts us home between 4-5. After dinner, we made a run for the biggest joint in town....WALMART!!! Yes, that was the excitement of the evening. We bought bottled water and a jacket since it is freezing inside the school. Luckily before I came, my husband did research. I am in a dry county. No boos. I bought 2 bottles wine for us. We are now sitting in the hotel drinking red wine out of days inn disposable cups. Classy! TTFN
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 hum bug
I just want to throw in the towel on a couple of weddings. Guess who is planning a bachelor party? Yes, that is correct a bachelor party. You know with boobs, beer, and gambling. My husband is the best man, but has passed his duties on to me. I don't really mind helping with the planning, but it is really strange to call random men and discuss a bachelor party in Vegas. I guess that is why my hubby doesn't want to do it. He hates talking to people he doesn't know. My dress has changed for this wedding. Here's the new one. It's still pretty, but not as elegant as the first. Another girl had already chosen the first dress and the bride forgot. The new one is cheaper anyway. I am in the mood to skip the wedding all together, but I can't do that. I really wish I had an excuse.
Update on Bubba's wedding:
The bride has stopped talking to my family. She hasn't been to my grandmother's in about a month. (We go to Granny's for dinner EVERY Wednesday.) She is upset b/c my mother asked her to work out the details with my brother. WTF! It's not like Mom said you need to do it his way, she simply advised her to talk/communicate with my brother. Is that so wrong? No, b/c a marriage is not going to last unless you communicate with your spouse. I hate that things have changed so much. I loved her before all of this happened. It makes me wonder.. was that the real S or was she just waiting to get what she wanted. She had been talking about marriage since they got together. She moved in with him after dating only a month, maybe two. I really think it was just one month. I supported them. They were happy. She was sweet, nice, and easy to get along with. Oh, I don't know what to do. I'm just laying low for now.
Maybe I should go on strike. I could save a lot of money. I have 3 weddings coming up. Sept, Nov, and Dec. UGH!!! So far, the Sept wedding is going to cost a fortune.
$330 x 2 for plane tickets; $200 for my dress; $89 + tax x 2 for the hotel room; $150 for tux; Jason's time off work; any extra expenses while in Detroit; $45 each way for taxi from airport to hotel; hotel sex with hubby: priceless. Why, oh, why did I agree to this? I was flattered. I had my ego stroked when I was asked to be in the wedding. It's amazing how when someone compliments you and asks you to do something, you are more likely to do it. I should try it on my hubby.....I can see it now....
Baby, your arms are huge, can you lift this heavy trash and take it outside?
Baby, you are so hot, I want you to take off all your clothes and put them in the washing machine. Don't forget the detergent!
Okay, I'm back in reality. I'll quit bitching and go for now.
Update on Bubba's wedding:
The bride has stopped talking to my family. She hasn't been to my grandmother's in about a month. (We go to Granny's for dinner EVERY Wednesday.) She is upset b/c my mother asked her to work out the details with my brother. WTF! It's not like Mom said you need to do it his way, she simply advised her to talk/communicate with my brother. Is that so wrong? No, b/c a marriage is not going to last unless you communicate with your spouse. I hate that things have changed so much. I loved her before all of this happened. It makes me wonder.. was that the real S or was she just waiting to get what she wanted. She had been talking about marriage since they got together. She moved in with him after dating only a month, maybe two. I really think it was just one month. I supported them. They were happy. She was sweet, nice, and easy to get along with. Oh, I don't know what to do. I'm just laying low for now.
Maybe I should go on strike. I could save a lot of money. I have 3 weddings coming up. Sept, Nov, and Dec. UGH!!! So far, the Sept wedding is going to cost a fortune.
$330 x 2 for plane tickets; $200 for my dress; $89 + tax x 2 for the hotel room; $150 for tux; Jason's time off work; any extra expenses while in Detroit; $45 each way for taxi from airport to hotel; hotel sex with hubby: priceless. Why, oh, why did I agree to this? I was flattered. I had my ego stroked when I was asked to be in the wedding. It's amazing how when someone compliments you and asks you to do something, you are more likely to do it. I should try it on my hubby.....I can see it now....
Baby, your arms are huge, can you lift this heavy trash and take it outside?
Baby, you are so hot, I want you to take off all your clothes and put them in the washing machine. Don't forget the detergent!
Okay, I'm back in reality. I'll quit bitching and go for now.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Stolen ideas
I stole this b/c I liked it. (kinda like my 1st place ribbon at field day. I stole b/c I was the hottest teacher,so I thought I should get 1st place. Ha!)
I am – a teacher.
I want – the best for my students and a baby for me. (not working on the baby yet)
I wish - my mom realized how important she is to me.
I miss – when I didn't have responsibilities.
I fear - death, failing, and bugs.
I hear – me typing on the keyboard.
I wonder - if others wonder about me, like I wonder about them.
I regret – very few things.
I am not – mean.
I dance – when I drink.(once on a pole after a few drinks ha.ha!)
I sing – in the car.
I cry – easily.
I am not always – happy.
I make with my hands – dinner.
I write – conduct slips.
I confuse – myself.
I need – to be more organized.
I should – try harder.
I start – many projects.
I finish – very few unless I get my hubby involved.
I am – a teacher.
I want – the best for my students and a baby for me. (not working on the baby yet)
I wish - my mom realized how important she is to me.
I miss – when I didn't have responsibilities.
I fear - death, failing, and bugs.
I hear – me typing on the keyboard.
I wonder - if others wonder about me, like I wonder about them.
I regret – very few things.
I am not – mean.
I dance – when I drink.(once on a pole after a few drinks ha.ha!)
I sing – in the car.
I cry – easily.
I am not always – happy.
I make with my hands – dinner.
I write – conduct slips.
I confuse – myself.
I need – to be more organized.
I should – try harder.
I start – many projects.
I finish – very few unless I get my hubby involved.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Details, Details
I was so proud of myself last night. I went to Target and bought presents for a baby shower that I am attending on Saturday. Those of you who don't know me, this is a BIG deal. I usually run out the night before or the day of and try to buy at the last minute. I knew the Mom-to-be was going to find out the sex of the baby on Monday and so I looked her up on babies-r-us and for some reason it wouldn't pull up. So, my bright self decided to look her up on Target...just in case. To my wonderful research I see her name and her husband's Darren. Woohoo! I don't have to drive very far and NO one has bought anything. It says that she is having a little boy. I am so excited that I have figured all this out without even having to bother the expecting Mother. Maybe I should be a Privite I. I assume she must have registered after she found out the sex and is extremely excited about her shower at the Raquet Club on Saturday. How good am I? Fabulous, not only do I have an entire registry to choose from, I am not waiting until the last minute. Go me, Go Mrs. G. You see, the mom-to-be is living in England. Her husband is from England and she moved there about a year or so before they got married. I am friends with her mother and met mom-to-be at Bunco one night. We hit it off and next thing I know, I am at a bachelorette party and a wedding. We email back and forth a bit. Tonight at Huey's I ran into the mom-to-be and her sister. (i was so craving a cheeseburger after chasing kids at field day. lucky will tell you how bad i looked) I am completely embarassed b/c I look like hell. So, I say hi, congrats, I hear its a boy. Oh, how? Well, I saw your registry at Target.......hmm, I didn't register at Target. oh, I guess I need to look at that again.
---Came home and checked it out. The due date is June 22 and the name is spelled differently. HOW F'n BAD is that!!!!!! I actually printed the registry, made the cashier go back and put the items I bought on the registry, and it was the wrong F-n registry. Now, some poor expecting mother thinks someone bought her booties, mittens, a hot duck, and bath toys. I feel horrible!!!!! I hope my friend likes what the other mother registered for, b/c I'm too tired to think about it all. Lesson Learned: Pay attention to details. I am a teacher. I should know this. : (
---Came home and checked it out. The due date is June 22 and the name is spelled differently. HOW F'n BAD is that!!!!!! I actually printed the registry, made the cashier go back and put the items I bought on the registry, and it was the wrong F-n registry. Now, some poor expecting mother thinks someone bought her booties, mittens, a hot duck, and bath toys. I feel horrible!!!!! I hope my friend likes what the other mother registered for, b/c I'm too tired to think about it all. Lesson Learned: Pay attention to details. I am a teacher. I should know this. : (
Saturday, May 20, 2006
They set the date
My brother is getting married on December 2, 2006. I was told that he told his bride not to talk to him about the wedding. He didn't care anymore and he would just show up. So, I am going with the same attitude. She told my mother that as adiment as he was about it being small, she was about it being big. I'm out of it. I will support her when she asks. I can do nothing else. I now have 3 weddings next year. The first is Sept. 16th for my husband's bestfriend. We are both in the wedding and have to go to Detroit. I picked out my dress today. It is very pretty! Here is a pic if you want to see. It will be in Wine. They are a great couple and I am very excited for them. The second is actually the groom from above's ex-girlfriend. We have remained friends and I am invited to the wedding. (kind of weird b/c he's not) I am keeping her guestbook. We are taking digital photos for the guestbook. It should be really cool. Then, my brother's will be the next weekend. Oh, I am gonna be broke.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Career Day
Today was career day at school. We had parents volunteer to come in and speak to the children. Some parents were great and others we really could've done with out. I felt really bad for the man that was so proud that he installs automatic doors. Hey, someone has to do the job. I understand that. It's just that he thought 40K a year was a BIG deal. It is for some families, but bless his heart he spoke right after a very upbeat electrical engineer that promised a much larger salary. I have to say one of my favorites was a truck driver. He absolutely loooooves his job. He has been driving for 16 years and said that he would never do anything else. It's nice to see humble, down-to-Earth people.
6 days left!
6 days left!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Part II
Okay, I left off with finding out my bro was getting married. Because my mom told me and there was no official proposal.
Monday - Mom went to her safety deposit box for her wedding rings.
Background: My father died in a plane crash when I was 5. I wear his wedding band on my right hand. It was my present for high school graduation from my mother. My brother has his other ring that he recieved for graduation. Marshell walked me down the aisle at my wedding. He had broken ribs, fractured tailbone, lacerated kidney and was told not to. He even put his cane to the side. (He was supposed to be on crutches.) Back to phone conversations.....
Mom: So I went to the safety deposit box today.
Me: Okay.
Mom: I had them change your name.
Me: Good, I need to add a few things and really don't want the hassle.
Mom: I took out my wedding rings.
Me: okay.
Mom: I gave them to your brother for S.
Me: well, that's the best idea i've heard so far.
I am thinking that at least he doesn't have to spend any money. Yes, I trust her to wear my mother's wedding rings. I really do. (That's a good sign, right?)
When they discussed getting married, Marshell said he wanted a very small ceremony and a big party. S. agreed with him. Since then, she wants the whole package. I am talking 160 people at the ceremony, compared to the original 10 or less. I'm pissed. My brother should get what he wants. This was discussed before she got the ring! I am so nervous and upset. I decide I need to talk to my brother.....Mom encourages me saying that I can talk to him without him getting upset with me. Sorry, I never realized that he wouldn't get upset with me. I always concerned that I would upset him. I need his approval. I know it stems from my past. Mom thinks it will be okay.
So I started talking. I told him I was not going to be happy until I asked a few questions...I asked, he answered. I felt a little better EXCEPT he said "I am ready to have kids. It sucks that I have to get married first." How am I supposed to feel? Better yet, How is his fiance supposed to feel? Then she started pressing the big wedding. He refused saying he wouldn't show up.
Tonight is Wednesday. We always go to my Granny's house. ALWAYS!!! This tradition started when Grandaddy died a few years ago. S. called mom and wants her to go look at a place for the wedding. First wedding news in about a month. I get a little upset, b/c my mom never misses and my hubby isn't going with me tonight. Then mom calls and says that everything went well. They like the place and it sounds like they are having a full wedding. Is my brother okay with this? We don't know. We haven't talked to him yet.
I'm frustrated once again. I talked to my physcologist earlier (Lucky). Am I afraid to let him go or is this not right? (Sorry, but I just had a total SITC moment.) If they are going with the full wedding, Bubba mentioned she wanted me in it. I don't know if I want to be. I know that I am probably having a hard time letting him go. I used to do everything for him. Shopping, errands, you name it I was there. It hasn't been that way in a while. Am I upset b/c I don't want him to make a mistake or Am I upset b/c I feel like I am loosing him? I know I am scared that I don't think S. is strong enough to take care of him. He is completely different frm any other man I know. I want him to be happy. So for now I choose to stay out of it. When Mom and I got off the phone..I said, "I don't think I am in the mood to discuss M and S's wedding at this time." I can't avoid it for ever, but I'll try for a while.
P.S. If you are reading this and don't usually comment......keep it to yourself if you see me, my husband, my family, or my friends somewhere. Don't make it uncomfortable. Thanks a bunch. ;)
Monday - Mom went to her safety deposit box for her wedding rings.
Background: My father died in a plane crash when I was 5. I wear his wedding band on my right hand. It was my present for high school graduation from my mother. My brother has his other ring that he recieved for graduation. Marshell walked me down the aisle at my wedding. He had broken ribs, fractured tailbone, lacerated kidney and was told not to. He even put his cane to the side. (He was supposed to be on crutches.) Back to phone conversations.....
Mom: So I went to the safety deposit box today.
Me: Okay.
Mom: I had them change your name.
Me: Good, I need to add a few things and really don't want the hassle.
Mom: I took out my wedding rings.
Me: okay.
Mom: I gave them to your brother for S.
Me: well, that's the best idea i've heard so far.
I am thinking that at least he doesn't have to spend any money. Yes, I trust her to wear my mother's wedding rings. I really do. (That's a good sign, right?)
When they discussed getting married, Marshell said he wanted a very small ceremony and a big party. S. agreed with him. Since then, she wants the whole package. I am talking 160 people at the ceremony, compared to the original 10 or less. I'm pissed. My brother should get what he wants. This was discussed before she got the ring! I am so nervous and upset. I decide I need to talk to my brother.....Mom encourages me saying that I can talk to him without him getting upset with me. Sorry, I never realized that he wouldn't get upset with me. I always concerned that I would upset him. I need his approval. I know it stems from my past. Mom thinks it will be okay.
So I started talking. I told him I was not going to be happy until I asked a few questions...I asked, he answered. I felt a little better EXCEPT he said "I am ready to have kids. It sucks that I have to get married first." How am I supposed to feel? Better yet, How is his fiance supposed to feel? Then she started pressing the big wedding. He refused saying he wouldn't show up.
Tonight is Wednesday. We always go to my Granny's house. ALWAYS!!! This tradition started when Grandaddy died a few years ago. S. called mom and wants her to go look at a place for the wedding. First wedding news in about a month. I get a little upset, b/c my mom never misses and my hubby isn't going with me tonight. Then mom calls and says that everything went well. They like the place and it sounds like they are having a full wedding. Is my brother okay with this? We don't know. We haven't talked to him yet.
I'm frustrated once again. I talked to my physcologist earlier (Lucky). Am I afraid to let him go or is this not right? (Sorry, but I just had a total SITC moment.) If they are going with the full wedding, Bubba mentioned she wanted me in it. I don't know if I want to be. I know that I am probably having a hard time letting him go. I used to do everything for him. Shopping, errands, you name it I was there. It hasn't been that way in a while. Am I upset b/c I don't want him to make a mistake or Am I upset b/c I feel like I am loosing him? I know I am scared that I don't think S. is strong enough to take care of him. He is completely different frm any other man I know. I want him to be happy. So for now I choose to stay out of it. When Mom and I got off the phone..I said, "I don't think I am in the mood to discuss M and S's wedding at this time." I can't avoid it for ever, but I'll try for a while.
P.S. If you are reading this and don't usually comment......keep it to yourself if you see me, my husband, my family, or my friends somewhere. Don't make it uncomfortable. Thanks a bunch. ;)
Feelings Part I
I hate to admit this.... but I am having a really hard time with the thought of my brother getting married. I can't think of a better person to be my s.i.l., but I just don't think now is the time. My happiness should not matter in his relationship, but I want to throw a temper tantrum. I guess I should start at the beginning. Lord, I hope this stays in blogger land...
Beginning of March
My friend saw my future s.i.l. at a store buying maternity pants. She wanted to buy a stroller/car seat combo, too. Friend talked her out of it. She is NOT preggo. I found this odd, and thought my brother would totally freak the fuck out if he knew. Lots of gossiping with mom over this. But, future sil told my mom what she bought. Weird?!? I'm starting to get a bit uncomfortable.
A week later....Every Wednesday we go to Granny's for dinner. While sitting at the table talking to the family and cutting up, I see future s.i.l. whispering to my mom. All I hear is "baby." I really freak the fuck out. What? Is she pregnant? I want to ask, but can't bring myself to. Surely, she would tell ME. I just choke instead. My heart is beating out of my chest. I leave and wait about 3o minutes to call mom.......
Me: Are you still at Granny's?
Mom: No, I'm on the other line with S. Can I call you back?
Me: UGH! As long as you will tell me what the fuck is going on?
Yes, very rude of me. I cursed while speaking to my mother.
She calls back and tells me that my brother, MY brother proposed the idea of having children to S. I'm lost. I don't think I know him. I thought I did. We were pretty close, I really know him at all? She won't have children until she gets married. (Good for her)
End of March
I'm working hard on Sunday night to finish all the things I have to do for school on Monday. I always procrastinate. I am trying to drink, work, and watch Sopranos. I am busy! I am woman. I can multi-task. Phone rings..Who would call me during Sopranos? Everyone knows that you don't call my house on Sunday evening. Mom. hmm...
ME: hello?
Mom: Well, it looks like we're going to have a wedding.
Moments of silence......
Me to hubby: I'll be in the bedroom. Hubby to Friend: She's pissed.
Future s.i.l. and Mom had been out shopping. F.s.i.l. told mom they were getting married. real proposal. I sit. I listen to details. She is telling everyone they are engaged. My brother doesn't realize this going on, but in the end he's okay with it. Wedding in Sept or Oct. blah, blah. Then my mom asks how I feel about it.
Me: I doesn't matter what I think. It's not my relationship. I am trying so hard to be nice and get out of answering.
Mom: well, you are his sister.
Me: I don't like it. It isn't romantic and I don't understand why they are doing this now.
Background: Bro opened his own stereo shop last June. He's really not making money yet. He is barely staying alive. Sold his truck and works at least 10 hours a day 6 days a week; usually even holidays. He is extremely responsible and would want to be stable to do anything this big. (or so I thought)
I have to stop b/c after all it is Wednesday. I am late leaving for Granny's. There is so much more to this story. I'll try to finish later.
Beginning of March
My friend saw my future s.i.l. at a store buying maternity pants. She wanted to buy a stroller/car seat combo, too. Friend talked her out of it. She is NOT preggo. I found this odd, and thought my brother would totally freak the fuck out if he knew. Lots of gossiping with mom over this. But, future sil told my mom what she bought. Weird?!? I'm starting to get a bit uncomfortable.
A week later....Every Wednesday we go to Granny's for dinner. While sitting at the table talking to the family and cutting up, I see future s.i.l. whispering to my mom. All I hear is "baby." I really freak the fuck out. What? Is she pregnant? I want to ask, but can't bring myself to. Surely, she would tell ME. I just choke instead. My heart is beating out of my chest. I leave and wait about 3o minutes to call mom.......
Me: Are you still at Granny's?
Mom: No, I'm on the other line with S. Can I call you back?
Me: UGH! As long as you will tell me what the fuck is going on?
Yes, very rude of me. I cursed while speaking to my mother.
She calls back and tells me that my brother, MY brother proposed the idea of having children to S. I'm lost. I don't think I know him. I thought I did. We were pretty close, I really know him at all? She won't have children until she gets married. (Good for her)
End of March
I'm working hard on Sunday night to finish all the things I have to do for school on Monday. I always procrastinate. I am trying to drink, work, and watch Sopranos. I am busy! I am woman. I can multi-task. Phone rings..Who would call me during Sopranos? Everyone knows that you don't call my house on Sunday evening. Mom. hmm...
ME: hello?
Mom: Well, it looks like we're going to have a wedding.
Moments of silence......
Me to hubby: I'll be in the bedroom. Hubby to Friend: She's pissed.
Future s.i.l. and Mom had been out shopping. F.s.i.l. told mom they were getting married. real proposal. I sit. I listen to details. She is telling everyone they are engaged. My brother doesn't realize this going on, but in the end he's okay with it. Wedding in Sept or Oct. blah, blah. Then my mom asks how I feel about it.
Me: I doesn't matter what I think. It's not my relationship. I am trying so hard to be nice and get out of answering.
Mom: well, you are his sister.
Me: I don't like it. It isn't romantic and I don't understand why they are doing this now.
Background: Bro opened his own stereo shop last June. He's really not making money yet. He is barely staying alive. Sold his truck and works at least 10 hours a day 6 days a week; usually even holidays. He is extremely responsible and would want to be stable to do anything this big. (or so I thought)
I have to stop b/c after all it is Wednesday. I am late leaving for Granny's. There is so much more to this story. I'll try to finish later.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
8 More Days
Sometimes I feel like I am trapped in crazy place....not my life, but my work. I was so frustrated at school today. I have a lot of patience. I really do. I just wanted to scream and run out of my class room. We have a few students that I just can't tolerate anymore of and I don't know what to do. The site of these students, their voices, their attitudes....I just can't do any more for them. I don't want to see them anymore. Then I feel bad. They are children. They might have a bad home life. Well, I am sick of excuses.....cancer as a baby, so they can't help their behavior; raised by one parent; blah, blah. Just because you don't have any money or you don't live with your dad, doesn't give you the right to yell at me, hit someone, or just be a total shit. I know I sound insensitive, but I have bent over backwards all year and now I am snapping. 8 more days and I will be free of these students. Who knows what next year will bring?!? Could it be worse? Now that I have said all that I feel a little better.
Good students - Last week was teacher appreciation week. My homeroom threw me a suprise party. It was really sweet. They had cookie cake and chips. My room was decorated. Made me feel good.
Good students - Last week was teacher appreciation week. My homeroom threw me a suprise party. It was really sweet. They had cookie cake and chips. My room was decorated. Made me feel good.
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